Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Cult of Samson. Members so far....none. BITTER SWEET PROGRESS!!!

I find that my brain appears to be most active when I am lying in my bed attempting to sleep. The funny thing is that even now getting up to write in my blog about what I was thinking when I am in the state of consciousness before actually falling unconscious is very hard. It must be why I really enjoy lying in my bed. Not only am I extremely comfortable but my brain seams to have some sort of eery understanding about the nature of reality. It's like my own kind of meditation in a sense. I like to try and remain conscious and explore all possibilities of reality without forgetting who and what I am. That is one of the most challenging things to do in life, remain in the world of imagination and control it without becoming lost inside a dream. Dreaming is beautiful but I find the most amazing dreams are the ones you have when you are aware that you are you, which is something that doesn't happen unless you're lucky, or if you are awake and daydreaming, or in some sort of meditative state. The worst part of all to me is that I find that I am really getting something meaningful, relevent, divine, and beautiful in this state of consciousness but I find it extremely hard to put into words when I decide to get up and write about it. But I will try anways.

If I am right and we actually exist within infinity, which is what I believe life comes from and/or is a part of. Then the human mind and body is actually a vessel for comprehending certain areas of infinity. It would be completely impossible for me to even express into words the depth of this design, not only would it take my whole life to explain to you a mere fraction of it, but it would take the entire human species on earth forever to explain it. We would begin the conversation and have forgotten what the conversation was about and spun out into nothingness.
Existence is so infinitely complex that any conscious entity that actually understood or thought about the very nature of its own being would be as mesmerized as I am. It seams to me that in order for anything to exist there needs to be conscious entities to be aware of existence to explore it. When I say explore existence I not talking about simply working your ass off and flying to one place in the world only to fly back and show all your friends pictures of your marvelous exploration (NOT that there is anything wrong with that either because thats a part of it) but to explore all aspects of life within infinity.
It seams to me that this physical vessel that makes me a so called human is actually a home for consciousness and awareness itself. Not only can I explore the extention of my being which is this earth but I can explore all infinity with this vessel. When you put yourself in a comfortable position where you can actively engage in using your mind and imagination you can then explore any possibility in infinity. This physical universe is ordered and connected in such a precise way that it allows for you to be you. I know that seams like any obvious simple statement for the most part, but that is extremely deep and fascinating to me. For me to even exist at all is a miracle, but for me to observe my existence and be conscious to the apparent fact that I exist is an absolute phenomenon at work here.
Now that's just fascinating philosophical mumbo jumbo to most people, not to mention that not many people if any will actually read these words. Actually now that I think about it, it would may not even be fascinating to anyone because they would fail to comprehend the beauty that I am trying to express. Who knows really, but I do hope that this will connect to other fragments of infinity and create greater order and maybe chaos, either way the consequences are equally exciting.

Other things that cross my mind in meditative or other states of consciousness in this simple, complex and mystical world/miracle.

Money is the middle concept in the human mind that has destroyed all the basics of human interaction.

Western society probably needs a little bit of a crumbling to better the world and balance out this global equation, not to extreme but we need some work (By work I mean actual thinking not slave labour by multi national interest)

This is becoming a more global world so we will need to have serious discussions on global governmental structures (PUBLICLY!!!!). Not to mention control over profiteering scum bags who don't give a fuck about human or any life on planet earth.

Technology should be freed for the use of global communication not war.

Mutation between communism and Democracy. It could be a reality television show HA HA HA!

The sequel to that would be deciding what the global language of earth will be. I vote english...I wonder why.

Instead of worshipping a god, gods or MEN. We worship nothing!!!!!!

When the New world order is complete and the one world government is created we must NOT have a leader. PLEEAAASSEEEE!!!!!! There can't be a world leader, because no human mind is great enough to deserve power over the earth and the beings on it. Our leader will be the earth itself. We will use our minds and technology to live for the survival of the earth. Think about it people, I'll put this is DUMB PEOPLE LOGIC: WE.......EXIST.......BECAUSE......OF.......THE......NOT SO ROUND BALL....YOU.....ARE......MAGICALLY.......ABLE......TO......BALANCE.....ON!!!! DUHHHHHHH without it we would not exist.
So knowing that our bodies and all these wonderful stupid little things we have are from the earth itself well maybe we should you know, ummm show it a little respect for it.

If I only could be involved in real societal structural thinking. What is that called anyways?????

BaHHHH! Humm bugg!

Samson out!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Tinkering with reality

Pretending that I am something that I am not is the most troubling thing to me. I would like to be an actor one day but sometimes I think that I will only realize that dream inside my dreams amoung others. I don't know what it is exactly per se, I think I am so deep in the moment that reality becomes a frustrating masterpiece. I want to do so much with life but there are to many rules and regulations for me to abide by. It's not like I truly believe in any of these rules, laws, or regulations anyways. To me it's all just reminence of a past of annoying intellectuals trying to protect themselves without getting their hands dirty. It's funny because I can't really complain about the comfort of my reality. Often times I am so comfortable that it seams completely irrelevent for me to do anything at all, hahahaha welcome to my life. I find everything so meaninglessly meaningful that writing in this blog is just as successful as going to the moon. The society I live in is actually so efficient for the most part that we are lacking the need for workers. I am a true artist I think, by thinking I guess I truly believe.
I was thinking today (like I always do) that the pursuit of truth is in a sense mental suicide. It's like denying the fact that no matter what you do, what you study, what language you communicate and study in, or what you believe in, the true truth seeker never figures anything out. You become so deeply immerced in the question of reality, or the question of existence, or the question of questioning that the questions become infinite. The funny thing is a lot of people including myself (sometimes) want to leave an ultimate mark in the world, an imprint in human consciousness. To be on my death bed and claim that I actually did something for the world. I think many people feel that way a lot of times, like it is really important to benifit society and to be remembered. Ultimately I do think that it is completely pointless to achieve that because even memory and human consciousness doesn't last forever. The pursuit of memory I think is actually physical suicide. It's like we work and work to create and "move forward" and progress towards the future many say. I will admit that I am completely fascinated and amazed with and about many things in the world today but we still are not going anywhere or progressing any further. Now we just have more capabilities of destroying ourselves and the planet. Is this our destiny, our nature...I continue to hope that it is not. Although many say that it is human nature to destroy themselves, I find that funny because humans are making these kinds of statements. I would say that death and destruction is a part of nature and creation because not all humans destroy other humans or themselves. I think the main problem that human beings have constantly run into in the past and the present is physical reality, and objectifying the crap out of it. People have no contact or connection with a higher dimension of reality. This dimension is beyond physical and governs our thoughts and perception. Now you can't even prove its existence because it has no existence that is observable, now that just scares scientists out the door. I think this reality or dimension exists within our own consciousness, and beyond the actual brain. It is where the future comes from.

This is like a scrambled communication. Having no structure behind it and no one to contradict what I think makes this a complete documentation of my thougthts. The funny thing is we could one day design a computer system that can store the whole world wide web of information on a single atom. Or maybe even smaller then an atom. Maybe that is what this is, maybe this is who I am and everything is. As we make discoveries we are complexifying our reality, and we are doing this collectively. Although I am just someone writing in a blog I am still apart of it. Like Einstein said how everything's connected and relative to everything else. WOOOOOOOOO I just blew my mind.

This is how it happens. Do you believe in god, allah......or THe Big bang hmmmmmm. You are that, I am that, this is that.

What a bloody miracle all this is. Man I wish I had some sort of logical framework but I don't.

That's just me. A conscious miracle trying to program this miracle to further this miracle to become a greater miracle.

Stuck in infinity, but do not forget the comprehension or communication of infinity by a human being is impossible because a human being is a mere fraction of it.

Man I am just going to end this informative post of non informity before it gets confusing.



Monday, October 02, 2006

So I went to see my quack and he told me he wasn't a duck. I was like what the fvck.

So i realize that I have been bent up on the cocepts of god and allah. My conclusion to that realization is that it must be because of the whole war thing. Muslims in the east and Christians in the west...YAAAAA we got ourselves a war! Fvck me, I am totally freaking sick of this religious fundamentalist corporate sponsored consumer phenomenon we call every day life. The question isn't how do we stop the war, but how do we keep the war going without the public getting pissed off and overthrowing the government. That's like human histories ultimate story. People spend their whole lives organizing, manipulating, and trying to figure out a way to keep everyone happy in this bubble of a reality. Empires are born and people jump on the bandwagon and feed it until the masses get confused and go insane. Once insanity strikes and all attempts to keep societies contemporary structure in tact fails, a new madman is born. This madman somehow manages to find himself struggling to find his place in society. It drives him insane to observe that the whole world is continuously marching in patterns he does not understand. He notices that he is surrounded by massive waves of ignorance, he could easily speak the slightest bit of divine truth to this massive wave to get a desired reaction. Yet he still does not knowingly do so because of the awareness of the truth, which is consequences of ones actions. He knows the power of the individual mind but he continues to not use it because he has a tender compassion for the world that he lives on. He does not want to bear witness to masses of human beings dying all around him, and he is terrified of the idea of mother nature being tortured and destroyed any further. The artist at heart struggles for the hope that their is a better way to end this sad story in the making. He knows that the war is just a calculated misunderstanding of cultures but no one will listen. He observes that consciousness itself only exists in the minds of the free individuals, the ones that don't hear or see, the ones that percieve. This madman is built on the explosive power that mass ignorance causes, the ability to say one word and recieve a wave of poweful energy. This wave of energy generates a portal, and this portal is a vision of the future. Looking into the future he sees something that terrifies him even more, he sees darkness, nothingness, an unwritten history. The present in which he exists is so lost in ignorance that it has created a machine that in a not so distant future will end all life on the planet. The planet itself will not be able to bear life for eons, the planet will be dead. Nothingness or somethingness is now the question. The madman knows his memory is irrelevent and he knows that he will create the future. No one can stop him because he is not in control, he is the consciousness that controls all reality, he is divine...he is immortal.

The portal closes and he yells at the top of his lungs and tears pour from his eyes. "I AM AN INDIVIDUAL..I AM FREE...AND I NEED NOTHING..I AM INFINITY"

This is the beginning and the end he thinks to himself. Many will die and many will suffer. But as long as I am, the future will be beautiful because I will be there to observe it. I will share my love, compassion, hate, and disgust with all the world. To the conscious ones and the blade of grass that I am now ready to consume. Although many will call me a madman and many will adore me, i continue to be aware that not only am I eating a blade of grass...I am eating myself and myself eats me.

Every moment is unique, every moment is a miracle, to be conscious of that is to be conscious of consciousness, which is to be confused by nothingness and one with infinity.

Wow did I just write that. WHO AM I?

Peace, love, and understanding

Mr. Samson