Sunday, November 24, 2013

No matter how hard I try, I will never know it all.  I don't want to be naive or ignorant.  But I always will be to a degree.  The world is to big, there are to many people and cultures.  To much history and knowledge.  Then I look at the sky and realize this is just a spec of dust floating in infinity.  It's almost dizzying.  Although I am aware of this I will never give up trying to understand.  Approaching every one and everything with an open compassionate mind willing to understand and learn a new perspective.  Maybe if I do this I will be more perceptive and aware for the next moment.  Shutting down, closing up, hating what is different is living a life of denial.  Thinking I know better or more and fighting is pointless.  The only thing that brings meaning and purpose in this eternity is will.  The will to do.  The will to be.  The will to develop and understand.  To evolve and grow.  Awareness of the will.  And willing to be aware.  To see that there is no nothing, only a never ending sequence of events.  Choices to be made.  These choices create our world, and define our path.  These choices create meaning and purpose.  These choices are Why.  Why we must try.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

In our world today safety seams to have become a sort of fascism.  It's all about it these days and there is zero tolerance for unsafe practice.  But can you oppose it? Is it actually a good thing to be fascist when it come to safety. I think I may think so!  When you look back and think how when they constructed the Hoover dam and things like that and hundreds were killed.  It makes you think we've come along way.  We take care of each other.  Now things like that don't happen nearly as much, a lot more rare. I am a fascist when it comes to making sure we all can go home in one piece at the end of the day.... And I don't think there is anything wrong or to argue with that!


Monday, October 21, 2013

Trying to express what's never been said.
Attempted by many, but articulation seams bleak.  Wondering if my perception is giving me the entire picture.  Knowing I may never come across the answers I seek.  If I had to explain reality or attempt to, it would be this.  The symbol of infinity, the figure eight.  You have two oval type parts. One is reality we perceive. The other is reality to, but an abstract reality where our consciousness comes from... Our dreams, thoughts and things.  We human beings and other beings that perceive are the spot in between the two ovals. The overlapping knot.  We are the product of these two worlds, but also the creator.  Weird?

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Reality eats away at you and breaks you down into dust.  Makes you question why you were even brought into existence. The question of questions, the unanswered "why" becomes more obscure when you peel away at it's layers.  It's almost like why is an answer in itself. An expression.  Proof.  There is something going on here.  What it is, is always up for debate and interpretation.  The fight to keep it going never ceases, even though dust will always be our fate.

Good morning beautiful world :)

Friday, July 05, 2013

The west is a beautiful world in which I inhabit.  Spacious.  Full of natural beauty.  Full of wonderful cities I wish to one day visit, if I haven't already.  Most people are happy, fun, and hardworking.  Full of life and not wanting anything other then to have a vibrant life plentiful, full of love and laughter.
     I worry for us though.  I find I worry for us more and more on a regular basis.  I worry that our system and way of life has over indulged.  That partying and having a good time has become more important then maintaining this miraculous society. That the expansion of intelligence and consciousness has become even less then secondary to our daily lives.  We are over satuated in mindless entertainment. We want everything now and are not willing to work or put any effort into achieving these desires.  It doesn't matter to anyone if in order to maintain this lavish lifestyle we need more energy then we can harness.  More resources then this planet has to offer.  At this point it is not even like a little bit either,  it's becoming an exponential growth equation.  
     My greatest concern is that if we continue to ignore these issues.  This ship is going to topple over and not only will it do this.  But all the people aboard won't even know how to swim.  People aren't just going to starve.  They are going to rob each other, beat and pillage each other, and ultimately eat each other.  
     I think that the truth is people with great wealth and power are more terrified then myself and others like myself are of this dilemma.  They are constantly trying to manage the future state of this world, and change the system in a way that it protects them in extreme ways from this apocalyptic senario.  While the majority of the citizenry party their faces of like there is no tomorrow, oblivious.  Thinking this is life, this will always be life, and there are no worries in sight.

Thoughts observed. Answers are obscure.
 Much more to say. Not now.

Friday, May 31, 2013

It came across my mind that there are two kinds of unsuccessful dreamers.  There is the dreamer that is to lazy and or scared and insecure to make their dreams a reality.  They are this so profoundly that it almost destroys their ability to even dream at all.  They become unable and incapable to realize the power that is their own existence.  The ability we all have to put our intentions out there in reality and co create reality.  Giving away this ability usually results in a very negative point of view.  Which often leads to fear, depression and insecurity.  
     The second type of individual is a lazy type of dreamer.  This person is constantly dreaming up all sorts of wonderful things and often communicating them.  Often dreaming things that are profoundly unrealistic in many ways.  This is the first trap of this personality trait.  We are all born and exist within a reality we can control to a certain degree.  There is free will and a portion of determinism that we cannot escape.  People who successfully take part in creation and realize their dreams, dream realistic possibilities based on their situation.  Although some may seam more impossible to achieve from an outsider's point of view they are still realistic.  Some may seam a lot more realistic then others but even the dreams that appear a lot less likely to be realized are achieved because the dreamer takes the necessary steps for them to manifest into reality.  This overly verbal dreamer fails to achieve any if not all his or her dreams because this individual fails to attempt any of the necessary steps in order to set forth the motions to manifest said dreams into reality.  One must not only dream but act to realize their dreams.  Where one hits forks in the roads or even stone cold brick walls, they must continue to try, work, and act for any chance of ever manifesting anything into reality.  They give up to easy.  Having a personality where you give up the moment you have to act is a personality that is destined for failure.

These things may seam like quite obvious observations.  But I find individuals like this everywhere I go.  Stuck in the insanity of their repetitive thinking and failure, not aware they are the result of their self. The world that surrounds them is the world that they choose.  They are their own prison.  They blame all but themselves.
     Like everything these are arguable generalizations.  Observations that can be true, yet there can be certain situations that are utterly hopeless.  But generally we exist, and are a collective interconnected on levels beyond our ability to observe and even be aware of.  We exist in this so called moment that appears to be forever changing and perpetually so.  This whole idea among many of my thoughts and feelings as of lately is that people are to quick to deny and blame.  We are in stuck in a constant and every single nano second.  Every single moment even more minuet then that, is our choice and responsibility.  Not only that but all of us, every single conscious individual has the power to choose and make decisions.  So as we dream we are choosing, as we think we are acting. A dualism that is constant and we all do it in synchronicity all the time.  Therefore we are responsible constantly. Those unsuccessful dreamers are as well.  Even if they don't realize it.  So hopefully we can help them and all individuals realize it one day.  When this happens.  The world may change in an amazing way that none of us has ever dreamed of on our own before!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Most simple reason why government is an old bad idea.  In order for it to exist in any form it needs to be forced.  If you had a choice would you pay taxes?  People voluntarily support good ideas.  People invest their time, energy, labour, and money towards good ideas.  If it were a moral voluntary organization we would have a choice.  We don't.

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Let us not wage war, let us wage peace
Let us not play games, let us be honest and true
Let us not fight, let us shake hands and settle our differences with discussion and logic
Let us not hate, let us love and be compassionate towards one another
Let us not ridicule and judge, let us be tolerant and kind
Let us not divide and conquer, let us come together, connect and be social
Let us not ravish the earth, let us heal and nurture it to good health
Let us not kill ourselves as a whole, let us keep this dream alive forever


Friday, March 08, 2013

The question is not who's religion is right or wrong. The question is not which political party should be in power. The question is not what do I want materially in this world. The question is not about trivial matters such as the lives of celebrities, and what clothes do I look good in. What Sammy thinks of me. How do I become more accepted in my every day social circles. And so on and so on... The most profound of all questions is the question of the question.
The mere fact that we as individuals and a collective of individuals have the ability to question our lives as realities from the most on the surface "trivial" day to day things, to the seemingly more in depth matters. It doesn't matter if there is a heaven and hell with a vengeful almighty leader of existence, who decides our eternal fate. It doesn't matter if we came from a Big Bang and our existence are just as meaningless in the infinite grand scheme of things as the sand between your toes. It doesn't matter if this is a holographic universe or we are living inside a computer system controlled by machines.
What matters is that we are conscious aware beings who exist. This is something we can be sure of. Even though our existence is observably temporary. By this awareness. By everything that we are. By all the wonderful and even horrible things that we live and experience. It is all proof that we exist. Our existence and the existence of some sort of world beyond our individuality exists... This is true.
Through this existence comes many subjective experiences that are very hard to completely communicate to others. Though our perceptions and beliefs of what this existence actually is are different and arguable, they are not worth destroying each other and the environment over.
Realize this amazing phenomenon and its fragility for the temporary miracle that it is. The amazing reality of our existence. That we not only exist rather then not exist at all. But we are aware of it. We can question, explore and create. We simply are. Don't forget it, and how words can't even begin to touch the miraculousness of it.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

I find that many can't deal with the observation of death and search through their imagination for idealistic conclusions for their attachment to their identity and the identity of the life and loved ones that surround them. They create idealistic fantasies of a life beyond the miraculous life and experience they have now. Denying that reality may not be idealistic towards human idealism. Although with the human condition we are able to shape reality to our ideals to a certain degree. Reality observably is far greater then the human form, condition and/or experience even when you expand from human individuality to the greater collective human race. This isn't an argument or attempt to state an observable conclusion that human individuality and identity can carry on to better worlds after this one. Nor I am I saying I believe without a shadow of a doubt this is possible. This thought is just an observation that many people would rather blindly believe in an idealistic reality when reality is clearly the opposite.