Monday, December 19, 2011

There are very little needs in and for life, but many wants and desires. The trick is taking what you need and not confusing what you need with what you want/desire. While also not allowing the selfish desires/wants that we all have get in the way and take control of the emotions of the moment. To naturally have them but to not let them control the way you feel and act. To not make the fulfillment of them more important then the beauty and good that is always now, and those good positive feelings that come from the now. Ride those good vibrations people, try not to create strings negative ones.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

In life I have no intentions, only hopes and dreams that may or may not be accomplished.

Monday, November 07, 2011

To eliminate tyranny completely you would need to radically restructure the corporate model.

Monday, October 31, 2011

How about a positive LSD story. wouldn't that be newsworthy just once. Wouldn't that be nice... to base your information just once rather then on scare tactics, and superstitions and lies. I think it would be newsworthy... Today a man realized that all matter is energy condensed to a slow vibration, we are all one consciousness. Experiencing itself subjectively... there is no such thing as death. Life is only a dream and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's tom with the weather!

-The mother fucking Bill Hicks!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just a thought...

I love the idea of aliens and life outside our planet to be true. That would be amazing.

If aliens existed they would have probably been watching us for a good couple hundred plus years right? If they were only here watching us for the last hundred years, wouldn't you think that they would have intervened before we invented the capabilities of destroying ourselves and possibly other planets? And don't give me that prime directive bullshit either lol. For the conspiracy theorist... maybe they have intervened but have made they're presence very quiet and have placed them selves at the highest levels and controllllll thee WORLDDD!! Mu ha ha ha ha ..... maybe

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

i think americans should get together and weed out the people who have been running the country and spending money in the name of the american people for the last 50 years, then lock them up for life.

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Excerpts from "The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy"
Reason why Douglas Adams is a genius!

Reason #1

You know this explains a lot. Because all my life I've had this unaccountable feeling in my bones that something sinister was happening in the universe, and that no one would tell me what it was.

Ohh no thats just perfectly normal paranoia....everyone in the universe has that.



Ahh well maybe that means something. That outside the universe we know, some alien intelligence...

Maybe... who cares. Perhaps I am old and tired but I always think the chances of finding out what really is going on, are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say... hang the sense of it and keep yourself occupied!

Reason #2

The universe:
Some information to help you live in it.
Area: infinite
Population: none
It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, but that not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so if every planet in the universe has a population of zero, then the entire population of the universe must also be zero, and any people you may meet from time to time are merely products of a deranged imagination.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

if god were here, I would say. Cheers now stop being so cruel.
Dubstep is my new love

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best crazy person rant from tv ever. Its from the show "The Event"..... soooo mee lol

Trying to speak the truth is a waste of time, because nobody wants the truth. People don't want the truth. God forbid it would all go down in flames. It's the lie to keep the construct going, don't you see. Spread by the vested interest of the government, the private sector and the churches and the stock exchange. All fabricating and spinning, telling stories to keep 300 million consumers happy and stupid and spending. Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy, I'm not the diluted one.... you are!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

It starts with awareness and becomes an action which then leads to consequence. The question is, is there any reason behind this?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

So if the plan of western leaders is to just go into every country in the middle east. Take out all the people that lead these nation states and take out all the people that support nation states or have their own organizations that oppose the west. Then build permanent military bases in these countries, while influencing the creation of new "democratic" governments. I'll make a bet they sell portions of land to each other secretly, and already have mcdonald's restaurants with hotels and the whole monopoly board plotted out already. Not to mention oil and gas companies lining up for stake's in this twisted game of divide and conquer. But if that's the plan. Why don't they just tell us the truth? Why do they play pretend with the rest of world that they are doing it all for ideological reasons? Does an ideology justify the cost financially, not to mention the casualties of this "war on terror" or so called "help" we are providing to the Libyan revolution. Is it truly support or a PR campaign to sell you the idea that war is ok, or that the military industrial complex profiting billions from arms sales to every nook and cranny of the middle east is justified? Can they really tell a child who's entire family was shot and blown up in front of him, that this was all for democracy, and it was a good thing. Could you? The casualties of war are also the casualties of economics. The reason that corporations have the power to go to war is because they have the power to influence governments. The reason war is seemingly perpetual is because the ones who profit from war, control the ones and sometimes are the ones who have the power to go to war.
I guess asking why is kind of a stupid question. If the ones who have control of governments and corporations told the rest of the world the truth they wouldn't be in positions of power. If we were told on a regular basis that the citizen's of the world were expendable, collateral damage. If we were told that if the price was right, we could become casualties of war. We would take these people in power and hang them.

The solution? To continually structure our society in a way that we keep people from attaining any power at all, or at least to much power (which is?).

Never support war. Never sell your humanity for profit

If someone said they would pay you 1 billion dollars to kill 100, 000 people would take the money? What number of men, women, and children slaughtered is acceptable to force the globe to be democratic? If (we) the west "help" bring democracy to the the east what's next? What's the next investment?