Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Until the end of it all I will remain standing on a ball.

It is true and halariously obvious.
A very large ball too.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

The world is in my hands, and my hands are out of control.

Should I write something cheery?
Something that makes no sense?
Maybe something sad and depressing?
I don't know. My mind is a blank.
In my confusion there are no answers, only ideas that some people believe to be answers. They will never know that they are wrong because their belief is to strong. I will never know that they are right because my confusion is to stuborn. When the sun goes down I know it will come up again becaue that's what it has done my whole life, and apparently it has been doing that long before anyone can remember. How absurdly obvious that is. Everyday I live and every moment I pass into I try to remember that feeling stored deep in my consciousness, the feeling that life is strange. It is strange how fragile it is. It strange how hard it is to put into words what it is about life that is so strange. This strangeness is deep. It is uncertainty. Something that I can hardly grasp. Beyond the simple every day of waking up, living life, having my coffee, going to work, eating my meals, hanging out with friends and family, and so much of that normal basic life stuff the strangeness still lurks beyond and between the cracks or reality.
Reality is strange. Today I use the word stange to communicate something that cannot be truly explained. Tomorrow I may use another word or a whole strand of words. Or maybe what I will do is just stare in amazement off into the nothingness that is every day life, until someone reminds me that I am still here. Wondering, Knowing and unknowing that I will never truly grasp the complete strangeness. Or maybe I always do. But whatever because I gotta go and that's just another moment past in life. And the strangeness that be.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Existence is infinite. The cult of Samson Chapter #2

Through these eyes we all percieve a world, enviroment, and even an entire universe, maybe more.
Existence itself must be infinite though, why....I don't know.
To me it seams like the only thing that makes sense. I am a conscious being trapped in infinity with only one way out, which isn't neccesarily a way out because no one knows for sure what happens when we die. It's all just speculation, even this. If this is infinity, then what is the universe? The universe is as far as our perception and/or conception of reality is at the moment, a good explanation of why it appears to be expanding. The universe is like our greater mind...The mind we all share...The mind we all are. The ultimate consciousness, a consciousness with consciousness within it. Maybe even a consciousness that expands beyond human compreshension, most definitely.

This is a fraction of eternity that we (and maybe others) inhabit. Our understanding of it will grow but we will never completely know it all.

Peace and love,


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Fuckism at its finest.

I think that I am always confused. In my confusion I have found nothing but more of it. This whole picture and world view seams extremely flawd. I think the most terrifying thing is the idea of actually picking something and believing deeply in it. To say that this is the way it is and anyone who doesn't believe it is wrong and should be indoctrinated. That's why I don't agree with Cathlosism, christianity, and a lot of other belief systems. They are so evil in themselves because they provoke so much hate and misunderstanding. But that's not entirely true, I guess nothing I say could ever be entirely true, nor what anyone else says because its all coming from different perspectives. Or maybe all perspectives are entirely true but completely contradict one another. So maybe that means that all truth has a contradiction attatched, either way it all comes together to make up reality.

I really don't know where I am going with this or what the point is. But I do know one thing for certain and it is that I am completely ok and content with it. I am actually in love with it all, I wish I could share this connection and feeling with someone. Sometimes I get bored but I would rather be bored then in pain or at war with this or anyone.
Reality is a beautiful confusion that gones on forever.
It feeds off of itself and is constantly in motion.
Our consciousness is the result of this never ending ride.
Hopefully as more and more of us come out of the void, we can find peace.
As time goes on and the predictable cycles continue on I hope we can find a way.
A way to help this confusion end.
A way to communicate with each other more clearly.
And one day bring complete peace to this rotating ball of contradiction.
Open our minds to the infinite and the nothingness
That we are

Some philosophical poetic gibber jabber.

From Samson

Monday, August 13, 2007

SO if figure its about time to express myself again.

This is me expressing myself.
I wish I had more to say but right now I am doing fine and the music I'm listening to is distracting. So I don't think this going to be a post of me reflecting the paradox that is my and all existence.

I wish there was some easy way to explain my perspective on things. Like something short and maybe even one sentence. I'm going to try it now.

I am the result of a miracle that never ends.

It's like God and the devil are in my head playing all sorts of games at once and there is no end. Not only is there no end but there wasn't a beginning, they just keep playing and the two of them are equally matched.

I am not a religious person and I am not a firm believer in anything because I think everyone is wrong, and will never know. I think knowing that you don't know is the actual truth, and I am not a firm beliver even in that. Believing to strongly in something can be a big mistake. Besides when I leave this world I want to surprised.

If when we die we simply cease to exist for an eternity what do these moments equal to now. I think in themselves these moments are enternal and that I live forever even when I cease to exist. That sounds confusing and absurd but it makes sense when you think about it. If exist now for a mere fraction of enternity and am conscious of that I must be somewhere forever because and eternity is so long, so infinite and never ending that I am almost frozen in it forever.

That's confusing....it really is impossible to put some things into words.

Fu@k good grammar and proof reading YAAA!

Forever in the moment even when you don't think that I am. FOREVER INSANE


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Same old bull that flies through my mind faster then the speed of light.

I don't know how scientists can say that nothing travels faster then the speed of light, that seams absurd to me. It's not like I can really prove that there actually is anything out there that does travel faster but I think there's got to be. Our perception of reality could and probably is extremely limited given the whole infinite nature of it and everything. There could be a whole new scale of speed that we can't even percieve where all sorts of crazy things go on. Imagine something traveling so fast we can't even percieve it at all, using any senses and/or tools to help magnify this something. Scientists like to make things proven facts with a touch of arrogance I guess. They will study something for years, write up lengthy papers only to make a point that this is his/her's limited perception at the moment based on all other's perceptions at the time and from one's before their time. I guess what I am saying is our perception of reality is always changing unless you are a serious religious fundamentalist, and stick to nothing but one specific text that has been around for thousands of years. Personally I think that's just an extremely limited and narrow minded point of view, but I can accept it if that's what works for you (religious fundamentalism). As for perceptions of reality constantly changing, ummmmm ya that's cool. Brainfart.
Glancing over what I just wrote I may have come to a revelation, absurd and pointless but just maybe a revelation. Maybe Science is actually a mirror of what religion was centuries ago....A belief system hahaha. I guess many people already say that.
The difference I guess between many centuries of evolution or whatever is that religion was more set and instilled, and science now is more open to change. Maybe our brains process information a lot faster these days compared to like a few hundred to a thousand years ago. They probably do. Yeeah this is just another random ramble of questions and nonesense from samson that I am going to end short.

Anyways I'll end with.....The saying should go "Nothing that we are aware of in this moment can travel faster then the speed of light".

Wow what the hell am I talking about.
I'm retarted hahaha.


I think I am going to start making shit on Youtube. Writing is fun but I think I want to be more creative.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Words enter my mind or are they just electrical signals travelling through my brain. Where is all this energy coming from? The big bang is a really shitty answer. Maybe life on earth is just the result of a sexless lonely child running through a timeless void blowing bubbles. Some of the bubbles pop and some float and drift forever in eternity to the point the bubbles themselves begin to harness new life. All hale the only god, the bubble blowing child. That's a more interesting answer.
Where do I end and where did I begin, maybe quenstions are completely futile, or maybe I am. Whatever that's suppose to mean. I still think it's true.
Wondering what to do, wondering what to say. Maybe I'll say this and accomplish both saying and doing at the same time....

Memories from the past flash through my head confusing me now. Since it is always now I must always be confused by the past. If it is always now and I always have memories from the past is it actually always the past right now. Where is the future in all this? I guess the future is really just in our imagination. Since we have experience existing for some sort of apparent time, we then have an enevitable developement of expectance for more existence to follow. So we plan for it in advanced using our imagination most of the time. Wow that is a very confusing way to put it. Anyways.....

Planning can be benefitial and at the same time ludicrous and annoying because our limited minds can't comprehend or be aware of all possibilities all at once. I guess I am saying you can try to be in control but you never will be (completely), because we are all equal (even though it may not seam like it).

I don't like to boast, sound arrogant or be to full of pride but this is an awesome place to be. I am glad I live here and I hope it gets better for us and the rest of the world. I hope we don't fuck it up. I feel bad for people around the world who suffer and feel hopelessly stuck. I try to do my part in this section of the world to maintain a balance. A balance in nature and a balance in the human experience. I am sure a lot of people would try and piss me off, argue with me and tell me how I am full of shit but that's just them being arrogant douche bags. I try! But I wish I could do more. Sadly I don't think there is more that I can do. It takes a whole civilization to make things better for everyone. Individually we can try to our best to live in the balance and that can spread globally. I think that's the way it should be though, I don't think any ONE individual should have more power then any other. That is what fucks this world up and until people stop electing leaders to make decisions for them we will never achieve absolute greatness. We have to make decisions for ourselves and take care of each other. But I guess cultures clash and war and decease is hard to avoid. But it is possible. Anythings possible.

Peace, love and Hope.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Am I a vessel controlled by the energies that surround it or one which uses these energies at will?

Beginning with a question for a title, and forgetting the words I wrote down. I wish I knew exactly what truth lies beyond realities ugly beautiful face. Not only do I wish that but I wish I knew that there even is some sort of great truth...maybe I know it and I'm still trying to find more. What I am getting at right now is that I constantly wonder if I can develope any further. Is it possible for me to break the barrier and go beyond? I don't mean anything like obtaining more physical posession, getting some sort of dream job or something like that. I often wonder if I can devolope further into reality, maybe gain some stronger extra sensory perceptions or something. Should I work on developing my consciousness or spirit...is that even possible. Do these such things even exist or are they illusions created from human desire to be more, to live and exist beyond it's physical apparatus. Is life really about fvcking, money, being greedy, selfish and posessing the latest "Cool" and/or "Trendy" things. Some people would say yes and some no I guess. Personally I'm mixed in my views of what life is actually about. When it comes down to it I would say that life isn't really about anything, and that is not suppose to be a depressing point of view at all.
When it comes down to it I just can't help but be completely paralysed to how marvelously hidden any real answers are. Everyone just has there own opinion on things and opinions always change. I kind of lost my train of thought now.

Without this body do I remain an individual or do I become a whole. I think in life we experience what its like to be fragmented, broken apart, and individualized. This experience we are all having captivates us and makes us forget over and over again, that we are a whole. When I talk to you I am talking to my self, because you are my self. There is only one self and it is universal, it is free and we all share it. We just forget and lie to our self most of the time.

Probably just to make things interesting. Maybe....maybe not


Monday, March 05, 2007

Decieving myself is believing myself and/or vise versa.....or something.

I can't believe in anything. Why should I believe in anything? To believe in anything that doesn't apply to the reality in which you are currently experiencing, is using your imagination I guess. Believing in your imaginings is fun but just as pointless as anything else. What is worse then believing your own individual imaginings to be real? Believing someone else's imaginings. Where am I going with this no one knows, not even me.

I wonder why people believe in so many things anyway, I guess its because we are all totally confused with all this. You know, reality and all. So we are here and if that isn't confusing enough, we are left with no certain or resonable explanation of where here is, how we got here, and what the hell here is exactly. Then to make things even worse everytime we think we have some sort of grand realization or universal connection it passes in a flash of consciousness.

Some people really try to get it all written down but it never works. It just leaves us with books like the bible, good words of wisdom I guess but so big the pages have to be thinner then rolling papers. So ya at least you got a million papers to roll some good joints, not that I'm really into smoking joints anymore. Now we got so much more recorded and documented it makes us even more confused then ever. Like the big bang theory or the bible really proves and solves all philosophical, physical and metaphysical questions out there. The truth I think is that we are the problem ourselves, our existence is a mystical parodox. A beautiful ugly miracle or an ugly beautiful one, which ever you prefer. It's unbelivable that we are here and that anything is here. It is so unbelievable in fact that the mere moment existence becomes conscious of itself in any fraction of its infinitecy it destroys itself, which is and always will be the human condition.

Well...mot of us.
The ones who are not are the ones who believe in things. The ones who continue to fill their consciousness with belief are slaves of self deception. Denying themselves pure, simple, meaninglessly meaningful Awareness.

Do you know what I mean?

P.S. Know what I like to do with my spare time and imagination. Imagine infinity. No words can describe it.



Friday, February 02, 2007

AQUA TEAM FOREVER!!!!!! America is retarted!!

I can't believe that they shut down the city of boston because of this. How stupid are people when they spend $750, 000 of security manpower and/or resources to remove square electronic lightbright looking things that have a cartoon character glowing on it. How can anyone be so freakin stupid, not to mention a whole city. I am sure not everyone in the city is stupid, in fact as soon as every Aqua teen hunger force fan like me found out and saw a picture of the thing I am sure they could not contain themselves. I find this absolutely halarious; as for the people that don't, I feel sorry for you. TALK ABOUT EXTREME PARANOIA!

Here's some youtube videos about this:


And I love how these guys mock the press and whole situation:

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Emerald broach stuck to my forehead, making me feel woozy

To write a title that has nothing to do with the writing below it, makes perfect sense when the writing itself has no logical premise. I have recently adopted a new writing style to use for my blog entries. I don't know what it is called nor do I care. But anyways I am mostly going to write little to no me in it, or I or well anything that falls along those lines. Like creative writing with no individual opinion or perspective. So now that I know that, I will stop saying I, me, my and stuff like that......starting now.

The keys of an individual type away to create and form words to project thoughts outwards into reality. Reality can be a confusing concept to an individual who is trapped within it, he or she may come to wonder what the point of it all is. Is there a point? Is there meaning? What is a point and what is meaning? Questions upon questions with answers that can only be subjective or in better words (maybe), different from varrying individual perspectives. The biggest question is existence itself, just being able for a moment to stop and really deeply realize that you exist can blow anyone's mind. Existence is some sort of an absurd thing some might call a miracle, but most people don't dare to think about it. It is such a frustrating phenomenon that we as a race of beings will destroy ourselves before we come to any conclusions about it. It's funny because we've changed our minds about it thousands upon thousands of times. Who knows what some of the early theories were..."Blurb...Blurb...Blurb"......"Another period it must of been like "Ooga OOga Ooga"......Then eventually we began to understand each other as thoughts and communication became more complex....."Ohhhhhh "Why" is what this dude's saying to me"....Well I don't know man I will have to think about it and get back to you."

Another big question has got to be...Is there really a definite universal knowledge and picture of the universe, life, and existence (An actual answer to how it all works, what its for, and the meaning of all this). How could there be when you think about it, all knowledge, all life, the whole universe is just a perception of reality. So reality is the real confusing culprit here. The most confusing part about reality is that it is forever changing, it most likely never had a beginning and most likely will never have an end.

This makes about as much sense as reality.

Have a good one

Mr. Samsonality

Sunday, January 28, 2007