Friday, October 15, 2010

I will not play fairy-tale and loose myself in superstition. I know that no one knows and probably will never know. This realm... this reality is subjective and objective as I perceive it. The objective is simple, concrete and finite. The subjective is infinite. Rather then worshipping false idols, believing in lies, and deceiving myself. I find a new age spiritual out look in between. I am... this is... and it is always changing. I am reality. There is nothing more then reality. Other realms of existence or reality may exist, if they do I am there. I transcend the physical manifestations of this objectivity. I sees no borders. I knows no time. I is the self inhabiting all existence. There are no greater truths then this. Find the true I. Be the true I. The infinite mirror that decides what kind of world will be tomorrow. The self that is all and one, one and all.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

There is no right or wrong, good or evil, purpose or meaning, god or the devil... only billions of ideas and subjective perceptions contradicting each other. You may be remembered tomorrow... what about in another 100 000 years? Humanity's existence as a whole is a mere fraction of eternity, and in eternity a fraction is almost non existent... so this moment must be a miracle... that almost never was. Make it count, or don't... whatever ;p

Friday, August 20, 2010

Questions fill my head and I know I will never know the answers to them.
Everyday is full of questions. What am I going to wear, what do I want to eat, where am I going, and who am going to be with. All these seemingly trivial day to day questions ultimately have answers to them. Maybe the truth is that I and everyone should not ponder anything deeper then the day to day simple questions. We should all just stick to the ones we can come up with answers to... right? Regardless of what we do we will have those questions and find the quickest most logical answers to them and utilize those answers to the best of our abilities. It's like automatic non nonsensical choices that must be made. But what I find interesting and absolutely mind numbing is that we have the ability to think about and ponder questions such why we exist. What makes up our existence. The very idea that I can conceptualize questions that seam so profoundly unanswerable is what blows my mind over and over again every day. Where do these thoughts come from and why do we have them. Why is it that all the answers that we come up with are so flawed and contradictory? Why is it the that the most fundamental questions of our/this existence are so impossible to answer. I put my shoes on without a moment to think about or even question its need. I eat, sleep, shit and do so many things instinctively without a question or moment of contemplation. It all seams so easy. But when you look deep inside for an answer to who you are and where you came from, there is no instinctive answer. There is no logical conclusion. This is a mystery. We are a mystery. And it seams that through science we dissect reality a little more each time, but are still left with more questions then there were before. The deeper and deeper you go everything becomes so abstract. So illogical. So infinite. So impossible. But it's happening. It never stops happening. It appears as though this has been happening forever. We as a species are just a miracle that can be aware of the infinite but never completely understand or conceptualize it. There was no logical point to begin with and there is no logical point to end with. And that must be the answer. There isn't one.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Self awareness created the bible out of its own utter confusion, but that never put an end to it... and here we are now.Pure awareness is like putting a bullet in your brain.All thought stops.Conscious awareness of non conscious awareness or death is what makes people get down on their knees and beg for an answer.Confusion and attempting to create an absolute when there isn't one...other then without attachment. Acceptance that the question has no answer.Perception and conception is limited. Reality is infinite.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The g20

The thing about the g20 is if these so called democratically elected world leaders were doing their apparent jobs properly they wouldn't need 1 billion dollars worth of security. There wouldn't be thousand upon thousand of people around the world protesting, demonstrating and criticizing them. There wouldn't be any problems.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

now is eternal. there is no escape. the I we are is immortal. change is our fate. bound by who we are. leaves no room for choice. connected to the stars. it's not god but the universe that is great. order and chaos. one and the same. opposing forces of contradiction. what creates this game. nothingness and infinity. awareness of death. conscious existence. non existence must be a myth.

Saturday, May 15, 2010


If when we die we cease to exist. I think that would be the equivalent of eternal bliss. Not feeling, not thinking. Life is suffering. Death is freedom from all this.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The world is such a big place.

I just hope that we don't destroy ourselves, sometimes I think it would be rather interesting to see though.

I am stuck between the world view of some utopian technological society, or a filthy wasteland of a planet that once inhabited beings with much potential... or just somewhere in between. I guess the latter would be the most likeliest of possibilities. History seams to tell a tale that never changes. Poor, middle (with many variations), and an elite of the grotesquely rich and powerful. The saying goes life is unfair. I would change it with an ending something like "for most".

Human life is nothing but an attempt to prolong the inevitable. Which is the cease of its existence. As a species we've been around for maybe thousands of years, how much longer will we last... I would bet that it isn't going to be forever. It's a good thing that I don't see myself as a human being, because if I did well then I would be somewhat depressed and saddened by our futile attempt to maintain the species. Who or what do I see my self to be then. I am the consciousness that is universal to all living things. I exist beyond the realm of physical form. I am not an individual. I am all. I peek through the eyes of this humanoid being who types these words. As I peek through the eyes of the others who read these words. I am eternal life. I am all life. I am existence and I exist forever. The human species is simply a temporary form, in a temporary universe. Some hold onto that form even though it is destined to change, evolve, and destroy itself only to come back again.

Eternity doesn't have to make sense. Sense is only an illusion.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

random thoughts

All I ever wish for is the violence, war, and famine to stop
How sweet to see the hate and negativity disappear
I want to see our environment cleaned up and balanced
We need to work to become more sustainable as a whole
If we don't recognize the problems in our world right now
There won't be a world for us to live in anymore
I wish that I had the power to change things for the better
Some times I think it would be a good thing to brainwash you all
To be better people, to be more harmonic with your environment
Screw all those conspiracy nuts out there who try and warn you
The conscious ones will try to be more then they can be
We will fix, change, and manipulate the system to better the whole
While the ones who cannot help themselves will be fixed
We'll put anti psychotics and anti depressants in your water
That way you won't be unhappy, and you won't be violent in nature
We will brainwash you with propaganda plastered everywhere
Force you to see that things need to be changed for the better
We can't just fuck like animals and consume and waste the way we do
If we continue down this path the world will be uninhabitable
Not for us but for your children and their children to
All it takes is a little compassion and awareness to fix this
Throw out your ridiculous and superstitious beliefs and help
Don't believe that something exterior is going to save you
Believe that you are going to save you and start working at it
When I take a step back and think about it, It's already happening
So I guess I am content, the world isn't that bad off
Smart people will take charge, while the sadly stupid will follow suit
That's the way it's been since the dawn of our existence
The sad thing is when mass stupidity and ignorance allows brutality
Not only that but turns the system into a humanitarian crisis
I only hope that the future continues to have a glint of brightness
Even with the darkness that is out there trying to close in