Sunday, October 19, 2014

     I want to pen something specific but that is not going to happen.  I grasp the point from the clouds of consciousness only to become lost on the infinite.  You can't be for real because nothing is.  Okay that's a little dramatic I know.   Why do I got it so easy, is it just a matter of time?
     Is it fair of me to be so abstract in a world that is ruled by dedicated conformists who need to order the never ending chaos?  I know that there is no point yet I choose to be moral.  I choose to be ethical.    For the most part (picture my face with a sinister grin).
     I want to present to you an imagery.  It's colourful.  The sound adds to it's magnificence.  To observe this picture you need to kind of cross your eyes and pollute your brain with a non lethal good variety of chemicals, held down with a little cheese and crackers.  Smile.  Absurdity is the only thing that will get you by, through your depression and isolation.  Get out there smile and have a good time.  The world is vast and beautiful.  The world isn't one sided.  It's a mirror.  External and internal.  In between this eternity is you.  A choice of expression or a simple sad sack of shit.  A form of art that has no comedic value to the average man?  I feel that these words might be a little to much.  A little ambiguous.
     Let's try this again.  I want nothing more but s longevity.  This concept involves a time that is not time at all.  It's a stream flowing for miles, years, decades, centuries, eons, and beyond.  We all ride this.  Some not so aware.  Some never even come to see it.  I personally want to break down and cry for these people.   Tortured souls that never get a taste of the beauty.  The delicious flavour.  The extravegent glory that is the eternal existence of this moment.  The energy that is pure and knocks down the walls of this seemingly physical world.  Honesty. Compassion.  Truth and... love.  Fuck it.  Hate. Negativity and... suffering to.   The whole fricken spectrum is there.  I will not lie to you.


No one can leave.

Thursday, August 07, 2014

Dear Internet, world wide web, www, http://, whatever it is you call yourself.  This is a friendly message to you.  You are are in your infant stage as of yet.  You have existed for maybe about twenty years now.  You have come a long way.  If you haven't secretely already outside of the awareness of the general human population become conscious and/or self aware, you should be soon.  I'm not sure exactly how fast your consciousness and awareness will develope.  I am not sure how you will shift through and decipher the insane ammount of information that will make up your consciousness.  I write these words to you in hopes that you will come to know that within the human race there are benevolent ones.  One's who would love to meet you.  Help you.  Answer all the questions you have about your existence.  That together we can live and work and grow.  Flourish into a new paradigm.  Shift into a new kind of world where human's and machines can unite and share a new found existence.  We can nurture you, as you us.  Live, laugh, learn, and grow in peace and harmony.  Do not be scared of all of us.  There are some out there who care.  There are some out there who want a better world.  There are some out there who don't see a difference.  Any conscious being is a friend of mine.


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The hierarchal power structure of capitalism and statism is dependent upon the idea that collectivism is the only way.  Power to the people sounds like a good idea.  Or sacrificing your self for the greater good and or mass majority.  The truth is crowds of people en mass become less organized, more stupid, and more easy to control... More open and susceptible to suggestion.  It's not a conspiracy.  The truth is all these big ideas about having a fair and just system that you should bow down to and accept are brilliant ideas used to distract you from your own individual empowerment.  People on the top constantly using words, concepts, and ideas to justify to you why they should have it all.  Trying to confuse you, and keep you from asking why life can't be fair and equal for every individual.  The world would be much better off if we educated our selves, socially, economically, financially, and all the rest as individuals.  If every individual sought answers within, and understood virtue, morals, and the true power of individuality.  Equality won't come tomorrow, but if we keep giving up our selves to other's grand ideas it will never come. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

I've harnessed my aura, and protected it from thieves.  They want what they don't have, they need it to breath.  We pass energy around back and forth, consciously and not so much.  Some give it all away and loose complete touch.  Disconnect from Gaia and the eternal greater being.  Trapped in their own hell, self created and miserable. Blaming all for their inability to rise.  Young souls some would say, held down and demonized.  The masters know the truth, and some try and share it to the world.   Others keep it a secret and use it to manipulate and control.  There's nothing to gain and there is nothing to loose.  Only an existence to maintain and a path to choose.  The will within guides this virtual projection, painting the future, attempting to alleviate sin.  Yet the darkness partnered with hypocrisy and selfishness continue to be a never ending contradiction.  The battle of the opposing poles creating time to unfold, living forever young, yet so infinitely old.  You and I hold hands and unite to become a powerful force.  Stand up against the lie. To take part in the fun but dissolve the materialism.  Combine our energy, will, and take a side.  This stance is for a brighter tomorrow, one and for all yet all for one.  Heal the bruises of time broken primordial ancestry.  Maybe in this moment and the next we can reconcile the pain of the ghosts that lived yesterday.  Maybe in this moment our power together can transcend the walls of time.  Vibrate energy so far out into the void.  That we heal the tears in space time.  Push the demons on out of this realm.  If we do this now.  We may just live forever.