Tuesday, July 05, 2005

A sad day full of depression

Ever since I have been put on lithium I have been feeling depressed. Also I can barely think enough to type these words. I don't know what to say or do anymore. I wish there was an easy solution to my delema, but there isn't.
I wish I could just be at peace with the world, trees and life on it, but everywhere I look I see more destruction and less hope for humanity. I try to see the beauty in everything but more and more I am seeing a picture that is rapidly deteriorating, and all I can really do is be myself and watch it crumble. I'll keep trying to make this world a better place from my end, but I feel like there is a war against survival. This consumer society that I live in is going to consume itself to death, and it doesn't seam like there is a solution. I hope to god that there will be a good transition one day when people realize how important survival actually is. Survival is the only thing we live for.

I don't know....these are my depressing thoughts....sorry anyone who reads them..

Peace out,