Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Same old bull that flies through my mind faster then the speed of light.

I don't know how scientists can say that nothing travels faster then the speed of light, that seams absurd to me. It's not like I can really prove that there actually is anything out there that does travel faster but I think there's got to be. Our perception of reality could and probably is extremely limited given the whole infinite nature of it and everything. There could be a whole new scale of speed that we can't even percieve where all sorts of crazy things go on. Imagine something traveling so fast we can't even percieve it at all, using any senses and/or tools to help magnify this something. Scientists like to make things proven facts with a touch of arrogance I guess. They will study something for years, write up lengthy papers only to make a point that this is his/her's limited perception at the moment based on all other's perceptions at the time and from one's before their time. I guess what I am saying is our perception of reality is always changing unless you are a serious religious fundamentalist, and stick to nothing but one specific text that has been around for thousands of years. Personally I think that's just an extremely limited and narrow minded point of view, but I can accept it if that's what works for you (religious fundamentalism). As for perceptions of reality constantly changing, ummmmm ya that's cool. Brainfart.
Glancing over what I just wrote I may have come to a revelation, absurd and pointless but just maybe a revelation. Maybe Science is actually a mirror of what religion was centuries ago....A belief system hahaha. I guess many people already say that.
The difference I guess between many centuries of evolution or whatever is that religion was more set and instilled, and science now is more open to change. Maybe our brains process information a lot faster these days compared to like a few hundred to a thousand years ago. They probably do. Yeeah this is just another random ramble of questions and nonesense from samson that I am going to end short.

Anyways I'll end with.....The saying should go "Nothing that we are aware of in this moment can travel faster then the speed of light".

Wow what the hell am I talking about.
I'm retarted hahaha.


I think I am going to start making shit on Youtube. Writing is fun but I think I want to be more creative.

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