Monday, January 30, 2006

Spiralling Supernova in a universe that makes to much and no sense all at the same time.

I wonder when God first came into the human mind. Probably at the point where we could understand that there are forces greater then ourselves (human bodies) that we cannot explain. It just came about sometime a long time ago I guess. God created all of this, God struck your son with lightning, God made the tides crash through our homes along the waters shoarline. God is responsible for everything because God is everything. God is the one massive being that is all of existence. I think that God is real and really does exist. But I don't think that God is what many people have come to think it is. Many people have adopted the idea that God is a human, that God thinks, acts and judges like a human. Many people think that there is a heaven and hell. I think not. I think that philosophers, powerful, and more intelligent people of the past came up with that whole idea. That God judges and punishes you. That God is this man sitting on a throne in this perfect utopia called heaven. I think they created those ideas to make the more ignorant people believe that they have to be good and listen to the powers that be. The truth is God exists. God is everything. God is one eternal being. But he is not human, he is not a he. God is all human beings, all creatures, all planets, solar systems and galaxies. Everything is connected to everything else. We are God, God is us. Our thoughts are Gods thoughts. God is the I that we all are. There is no real good or bad, there is only what we judge to be good and bad. Judging is human behaviour not Gods. But then again it is Gods behaviour because we are God. But I don't think that you will be judged in an after life for what you did in the moments of your life. It is only here that you will be judged. This is it.
I don't even know where I am going with this anymore...I have lost myself in the moment. But thats the point I guess I am trying to make...there is no point. Just thoughts and actions in an absurd existence. This existence is a complex arrangement of nothing to energy to chemicals to atoms and subatomic particles to matter to more complex things to all life as we know it. I hope there is some amazing life after this but from what I percieve there is no evidence that we will live on after this life. There are only ideas that humans have come up with to make death seam a little less of a terrifying thing. I think we all share the same soul. The soul of God. God is the energy that manifests in your brain that creates thoughts then into actions. Without this physical construction we call a human body there would be no thoughts. I think when you die you become what you and all this originally was...nothing. But the halarious and beautiful thing is it's a cycle that never ends. An eternity. From nothing came all of this, all of us, and all the things that could be there that we aren't capable of percieving with our minds and senses. You never know for sure. The only thing that is for sure is the instant or moment that is constantly now, that is the only thing we can know and will ever know. So don't believe in the bullshit that people tell you, don't belive in anything. Believe in your self. The one deep inside that is all existence. The one inside your mind that tells you what to do, The one that is you.

Phiisophical rambles from my soul.

No one's right or wrong. We're all in this together. So try not to judge just accept. If you deny the moment and judge you are denying yourself the truth. That this thing is really fucked up, beautiful and everything else all at the same time.

Peace, love, and understanding.

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