What exactly is the plot and does it have a sequel. All the people collectively percieve the instant they exist with no proof of the begginning or the end. The question rots in eternity with the rest of its inhabitants, while the will to survive varies from being to being. Words can't really bring forth any closure to the intricity of the pattern's flaws, but still we all try to make emmense. It is beautiful although the beauty can be hard to observe in the midst of all discomfort and suffering that goes on. When we became aware of the fact that physical bodies become useless after a while we began to dream up interesting solutions to the comprehension of end of comprehension. Is it really the end when we die, sometimes that thought sounds comforting. Not being able to percieve and feel the suffering that comes along with individual physical existence must be heaven. When mania sets in and all worries leave to be replaced by an ecstatic world view, heaven seams just as real. Life might just be a placebo if that makes any sense at all. When it comes down to it nothing can really make any sense at all. If everything made absolute sense there would be no unpredicatable results, and questions would not exist. Maybe ignoring the depth of this reality would result in less confusion and insanity would not be there.
With every tear I shead and every emotion I hide I remain beathless and strugling to find a solution.
Bye Bye......
For now
P.S. I wish I could spell better
Friday, December 01, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006
If you don't lauph at least once during this 1 min video you are seriously depressed or something. This is absolutely retarted!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Cult of Samson. Members so far....none. BITTER SWEET PROGRESS!!!
I find that my brain appears to be most active when I am lying in my bed attempting to sleep. The funny thing is that even now getting up to write in my blog about what I was thinking when I am in the state of consciousness before actually falling unconscious is very hard. It must be why I really enjoy lying in my bed. Not only am I extremely comfortable but my brain seams to have some sort of eery understanding about the nature of reality. It's like my own kind of meditation in a sense. I like to try and remain conscious and explore all possibilities of reality without forgetting who and what I am. That is one of the most challenging things to do in life, remain in the world of imagination and control it without becoming lost inside a dream. Dreaming is beautiful but I find the most amazing dreams are the ones you have when you are aware that you are you, which is something that doesn't happen unless you're lucky, or if you are awake and daydreaming, or in some sort of meditative state. The worst part of all to me is that I find that I am really getting something meaningful, relevent, divine, and beautiful in this state of consciousness but I find it extremely hard to put into words when I decide to get up and write about it. But I will try anways.
If I am right and we actually exist within infinity, which is what I believe life comes from and/or is a part of. Then the human mind and body is actually a vessel for comprehending certain areas of infinity. It would be completely impossible for me to even express into words the depth of this design, not only would it take my whole life to explain to you a mere fraction of it, but it would take the entire human species on earth forever to explain it. We would begin the conversation and have forgotten what the conversation was about and spun out into nothingness.
Existence is so infinitely complex that any conscious entity that actually understood or thought about the very nature of its own being would be as mesmerized as I am. It seams to me that in order for anything to exist there needs to be conscious entities to be aware of existence to explore it. When I say explore existence I not talking about simply working your ass off and flying to one place in the world only to fly back and show all your friends pictures of your marvelous exploration (NOT that there is anything wrong with that either because thats a part of it) but to explore all aspects of life within infinity.
It seams to me that this physical vessel that makes me a so called human is actually a home for consciousness and awareness itself. Not only can I explore the extention of my being which is this earth but I can explore all infinity with this vessel. When you put yourself in a comfortable position where you can actively engage in using your mind and imagination you can then explore any possibility in infinity. This physical universe is ordered and connected in such a precise way that it allows for you to be you. I know that seams like any obvious simple statement for the most part, but that is extremely deep and fascinating to me. For me to even exist at all is a miracle, but for me to observe my existence and be conscious to the apparent fact that I exist is an absolute phenomenon at work here.
Now that's just fascinating philosophical mumbo jumbo to most people, not to mention that not many people if any will actually read these words. Actually now that I think about it, it would may not even be fascinating to anyone because they would fail to comprehend the beauty that I am trying to express. Who knows really, but I do hope that this will connect to other fragments of infinity and create greater order and maybe chaos, either way the consequences are equally exciting.
Other things that cross my mind in meditative or other states of consciousness in this simple, complex and mystical world/miracle.
Money is the middle concept in the human mind that has destroyed all the basics of human interaction.
Western society probably needs a little bit of a crumbling to better the world and balance out this global equation, not to extreme but we need some work (By work I mean actual thinking not slave labour by multi national interest)
This is becoming a more global world so we will need to have serious discussions on global governmental structures (PUBLICLY!!!!). Not to mention control over profiteering scum bags who don't give a fuck about human or any life on planet earth.
Technology should be freed for the use of global communication not war.
Mutation between communism and Democracy. It could be a reality television show HA HA HA!
The sequel to that would be deciding what the global language of earth will be. I vote english...I wonder why.
Instead of worshipping a god, gods or MEN. We worship nothing!!!!!!
When the New world order is complete and the one world government is created we must NOT have a leader. PLEEAAASSEEEE!!!!!! There can't be a world leader, because no human mind is great enough to deserve power over the earth and the beings on it. Our leader will be the earth itself. We will use our minds and technology to live for the survival of the earth. Think about it people, I'll put this is DUMB PEOPLE LOGIC: WE.......EXIST.......BECAUSE......OF.......THE......NOT SO ROUND BALL....YOU.....ARE......MAGICALLY.......ABLE......TO......BALANCE.....ON!!!! DUHHHHHHH without it we would not exist.
So knowing that our bodies and all these wonderful stupid little things we have are from the earth itself well maybe we should you know, ummm show it a little respect for it.
If I only could be involved in real societal structural thinking. What is that called anyways?????
BaHHHH! Humm bugg!
Samson out!
If I am right and we actually exist within infinity, which is what I believe life comes from and/or is a part of. Then the human mind and body is actually a vessel for comprehending certain areas of infinity. It would be completely impossible for me to even express into words the depth of this design, not only would it take my whole life to explain to you a mere fraction of it, but it would take the entire human species on earth forever to explain it. We would begin the conversation and have forgotten what the conversation was about and spun out into nothingness.
Existence is so infinitely complex that any conscious entity that actually understood or thought about the very nature of its own being would be as mesmerized as I am. It seams to me that in order for anything to exist there needs to be conscious entities to be aware of existence to explore it. When I say explore existence I not talking about simply working your ass off and flying to one place in the world only to fly back and show all your friends pictures of your marvelous exploration (NOT that there is anything wrong with that either because thats a part of it) but to explore all aspects of life within infinity.
It seams to me that this physical vessel that makes me a so called human is actually a home for consciousness and awareness itself. Not only can I explore the extention of my being which is this earth but I can explore all infinity with this vessel. When you put yourself in a comfortable position where you can actively engage in using your mind and imagination you can then explore any possibility in infinity. This physical universe is ordered and connected in such a precise way that it allows for you to be you. I know that seams like any obvious simple statement for the most part, but that is extremely deep and fascinating to me. For me to even exist at all is a miracle, but for me to observe my existence and be conscious to the apparent fact that I exist is an absolute phenomenon at work here.
Now that's just fascinating philosophical mumbo jumbo to most people, not to mention that not many people if any will actually read these words. Actually now that I think about it, it would may not even be fascinating to anyone because they would fail to comprehend the beauty that I am trying to express. Who knows really, but I do hope that this will connect to other fragments of infinity and create greater order and maybe chaos, either way the consequences are equally exciting.
Other things that cross my mind in meditative or other states of consciousness in this simple, complex and mystical world/miracle.
Money is the middle concept in the human mind that has destroyed all the basics of human interaction.
Western society probably needs a little bit of a crumbling to better the world and balance out this global equation, not to extreme but we need some work (By work I mean actual thinking not slave labour by multi national interest)
This is becoming a more global world so we will need to have serious discussions on global governmental structures (PUBLICLY!!!!). Not to mention control over profiteering scum bags who don't give a fuck about human or any life on planet earth.
Technology should be freed for the use of global communication not war.
Mutation between communism and Democracy. It could be a reality television show HA HA HA!
The sequel to that would be deciding what the global language of earth will be. I vote english...I wonder why.
Instead of worshipping a god, gods or MEN. We worship nothing!!!!!!
When the New world order is complete and the one world government is created we must NOT have a leader. PLEEAAASSEEEE!!!!!! There can't be a world leader, because no human mind is great enough to deserve power over the earth and the beings on it. Our leader will be the earth itself. We will use our minds and technology to live for the survival of the earth. Think about it people, I'll put this is DUMB PEOPLE LOGIC: WE.......EXIST.......BECAUSE......OF.......THE......NOT SO ROUND BALL....YOU.....ARE......MAGICALLY.......ABLE......TO......BALANCE.....ON!!!! DUHHHHHHH without it we would not exist.
So knowing that our bodies and all these wonderful stupid little things we have are from the earth itself well maybe we should you know, ummm show it a little respect for it.
If I only could be involved in real societal structural thinking. What is that called anyways?????
BaHHHH! Humm bugg!
Samson out!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
At least I am not the only one that knows reality is an illusion. Check this shit out people!
The Holographic Universe
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Tinkering with reality
Pretending that I am something that I am not is the most troubling thing to me. I would like to be an actor one day but sometimes I think that I will only realize that dream inside my dreams amoung others. I don't know what it is exactly per se, I think I am so deep in the moment that reality becomes a frustrating masterpiece. I want to do so much with life but there are to many rules and regulations for me to abide by. It's not like I truly believe in any of these rules, laws, or regulations anyways. To me it's all just reminence of a past of annoying intellectuals trying to protect themselves without getting their hands dirty. It's funny because I can't really complain about the comfort of my reality. Often times I am so comfortable that it seams completely irrelevent for me to do anything at all, hahahaha welcome to my life. I find everything so meaninglessly meaningful that writing in this blog is just as successful as going to the moon. The society I live in is actually so efficient for the most part that we are lacking the need for workers. I am a true artist I think, by thinking I guess I truly believe.
I was thinking today (like I always do) that the pursuit of truth is in a sense mental suicide. It's like denying the fact that no matter what you do, what you study, what language you communicate and study in, or what you believe in, the true truth seeker never figures anything out. You become so deeply immerced in the question of reality, or the question of existence, or the question of questioning that the questions become infinite. The funny thing is a lot of people including myself (sometimes) want to leave an ultimate mark in the world, an imprint in human consciousness. To be on my death bed and claim that I actually did something for the world. I think many people feel that way a lot of times, like it is really important to benifit society and to be remembered. Ultimately I do think that it is completely pointless to achieve that because even memory and human consciousness doesn't last forever. The pursuit of memory I think is actually physical suicide. It's like we work and work to create and "move forward" and progress towards the future many say. I will admit that I am completely fascinated and amazed with and about many things in the world today but we still are not going anywhere or progressing any further. Now we just have more capabilities of destroying ourselves and the planet. Is this our destiny, our nature...I continue to hope that it is not. Although many say that it is human nature to destroy themselves, I find that funny because humans are making these kinds of statements. I would say that death and destruction is a part of nature and creation because not all humans destroy other humans or themselves. I think the main problem that human beings have constantly run into in the past and the present is physical reality, and objectifying the crap out of it. People have no contact or connection with a higher dimension of reality. This dimension is beyond physical and governs our thoughts and perception. Now you can't even prove its existence because it has no existence that is observable, now that just scares scientists out the door. I think this reality or dimension exists within our own consciousness, and beyond the actual brain. It is where the future comes from.
This is like a scrambled communication. Having no structure behind it and no one to contradict what I think makes this a complete documentation of my thougthts. The funny thing is we could one day design a computer system that can store the whole world wide web of information on a single atom. Or maybe even smaller then an atom. Maybe that is what this is, maybe this is who I am and everything is. As we make discoveries we are complexifying our reality, and we are doing this collectively. Although I am just someone writing in a blog I am still apart of it. Like Einstein said how everything's connected and relative to everything else. WOOOOOOOOO I just blew my mind.
This is how it happens. Do you believe in god, allah......or THe Big bang hmmmmmm. You are that, I am that, this is that.
What a bloody miracle all this is. Man I wish I had some sort of logical framework but I don't.
That's just me. A conscious miracle trying to program this miracle to further this miracle to become a greater miracle.
Stuck in infinity, but do not forget the comprehension or communication of infinity by a human being is impossible because a human being is a mere fraction of it.
Man I am just going to end this informative post of non informity before it gets confusing.
I was thinking today (like I always do) that the pursuit of truth is in a sense mental suicide. It's like denying the fact that no matter what you do, what you study, what language you communicate and study in, or what you believe in, the true truth seeker never figures anything out. You become so deeply immerced in the question of reality, or the question of existence, or the question of questioning that the questions become infinite. The funny thing is a lot of people including myself (sometimes) want to leave an ultimate mark in the world, an imprint in human consciousness. To be on my death bed and claim that I actually did something for the world. I think many people feel that way a lot of times, like it is really important to benifit society and to be remembered. Ultimately I do think that it is completely pointless to achieve that because even memory and human consciousness doesn't last forever. The pursuit of memory I think is actually physical suicide. It's like we work and work to create and "move forward" and progress towards the future many say. I will admit that I am completely fascinated and amazed with and about many things in the world today but we still are not going anywhere or progressing any further. Now we just have more capabilities of destroying ourselves and the planet. Is this our destiny, our nature...I continue to hope that it is not. Although many say that it is human nature to destroy themselves, I find that funny because humans are making these kinds of statements. I would say that death and destruction is a part of nature and creation because not all humans destroy other humans or themselves. I think the main problem that human beings have constantly run into in the past and the present is physical reality, and objectifying the crap out of it. People have no contact or connection with a higher dimension of reality. This dimension is beyond physical and governs our thoughts and perception. Now you can't even prove its existence because it has no existence that is observable, now that just scares scientists out the door. I think this reality or dimension exists within our own consciousness, and beyond the actual brain. It is where the future comes from.
This is like a scrambled communication. Having no structure behind it and no one to contradict what I think makes this a complete documentation of my thougthts. The funny thing is we could one day design a computer system that can store the whole world wide web of information on a single atom. Or maybe even smaller then an atom. Maybe that is what this is, maybe this is who I am and everything is. As we make discoveries we are complexifying our reality, and we are doing this collectively. Although I am just someone writing in a blog I am still apart of it. Like Einstein said how everything's connected and relative to everything else. WOOOOOOOOO I just blew my mind.
This is how it happens. Do you believe in god, allah......or THe Big bang hmmmmmm. You are that, I am that, this is that.
What a bloody miracle all this is. Man I wish I had some sort of logical framework but I don't.
That's just me. A conscious miracle trying to program this miracle to further this miracle to become a greater miracle.
Stuck in infinity, but do not forget the comprehension or communication of infinity by a human being is impossible because a human being is a mere fraction of it.
Man I am just going to end this informative post of non informity before it gets confusing.
Monday, October 02, 2006
So I went to see my quack and he told me he wasn't a duck. I was like what the fvck.
So i realize that I have been bent up on the cocepts of god and allah. My conclusion to that realization is that it must be because of the whole war thing. Muslims in the east and Christians in the west...YAAAAA we got ourselves a war! Fvck me, I am totally freaking sick of this religious fundamentalist corporate sponsored consumer phenomenon we call every day life. The question isn't how do we stop the war, but how do we keep the war going without the public getting pissed off and overthrowing the government. That's like human histories ultimate story. People spend their whole lives organizing, manipulating, and trying to figure out a way to keep everyone happy in this bubble of a reality. Empires are born and people jump on the bandwagon and feed it until the masses get confused and go insane. Once insanity strikes and all attempts to keep societies contemporary structure in tact fails, a new madman is born. This madman somehow manages to find himself struggling to find his place in society. It drives him insane to observe that the whole world is continuously marching in patterns he does not understand. He notices that he is surrounded by massive waves of ignorance, he could easily speak the slightest bit of divine truth to this massive wave to get a desired reaction. Yet he still does not knowingly do so because of the awareness of the truth, which is consequences of ones actions. He knows the power of the individual mind but he continues to not use it because he has a tender compassion for the world that he lives on. He does not want to bear witness to masses of human beings dying all around him, and he is terrified of the idea of mother nature being tortured and destroyed any further. The artist at heart struggles for the hope that their is a better way to end this sad story in the making. He knows that the war is just a calculated misunderstanding of cultures but no one will listen. He observes that consciousness itself only exists in the minds of the free individuals, the ones that don't hear or see, the ones that percieve. This madman is built on the explosive power that mass ignorance causes, the ability to say one word and recieve a wave of poweful energy. This wave of energy generates a portal, and this portal is a vision of the future. Looking into the future he sees something that terrifies him even more, he sees darkness, nothingness, an unwritten history. The present in which he exists is so lost in ignorance that it has created a machine that in a not so distant future will end all life on the planet. The planet itself will not be able to bear life for eons, the planet will be dead. Nothingness or somethingness is now the question. The madman knows his memory is irrelevent and he knows that he will create the future. No one can stop him because he is not in control, he is the consciousness that controls all reality, he is divine...he is immortal.
The portal closes and he yells at the top of his lungs and tears pour from his eyes. "I AM AN INDIVIDUAL..I AM FREE...AND I NEED NOTHING..I AM INFINITY"
This is the beginning and the end he thinks to himself. Many will die and many will suffer. But as long as I am, the future will be beautiful because I will be there to observe it. I will share my love, compassion, hate, and disgust with all the world. To the conscious ones and the blade of grass that I am now ready to consume. Although many will call me a madman and many will adore me, i continue to be aware that not only am I eating a blade of grass...I am eating myself and myself eats me.
Every moment is unique, every moment is a miracle, to be conscious of that is to be conscious of consciousness, which is to be confused by nothingness and one with infinity.
Wow did I just write that. WHO AM I?
Peace, love, and understanding
Mr. Samson
The portal closes and he yells at the top of his lungs and tears pour from his eyes. "I AM AN INDIVIDUAL..I AM FREE...AND I NEED NOTHING..I AM INFINITY"
This is the beginning and the end he thinks to himself. Many will die and many will suffer. But as long as I am, the future will be beautiful because I will be there to observe it. I will share my love, compassion, hate, and disgust with all the world. To the conscious ones and the blade of grass that I am now ready to consume. Although many will call me a madman and many will adore me, i continue to be aware that not only am I eating a blade of grass...I am eating myself and myself eats me.
Every moment is unique, every moment is a miracle, to be conscious of that is to be conscious of consciousness, which is to be confused by nothingness and one with infinity.
Wow did I just write that. WHO AM I?
Peace, love, and understanding
Mr. Samson
Friday, September 29, 2006
Transparent Alchemy
If I only knew what I meant
everything would have more meaning
Sometimes I feel there is no time spent
Stuck inside my self forever dreaming
When I sleep I have no control
Even when I wake it is the same
Conscious illusion so simple
I still fight to survive in this game
There's something inside of me, outside to
It's everywhere and no where
Deep inside of my self I have no clue
They often say life isn't fair
I think it is simply mind abuse
Denial that its human's who control
It's humans who are untrue
We are the ones who deny ourselves the world
So do we destroy the earth today
Or wait until tomorrow
No one cares to think about the way
Our brothers and sisters fill the air with pain and sorrow
What a shitty sad poem
I think I am to sensitive sometimes
So I leave this memory behind me
I'll read it again one day, hopefully on a brighter day
everything would have more meaning
Sometimes I feel there is no time spent
Stuck inside my self forever dreaming
When I sleep I have no control
Even when I wake it is the same
Conscious illusion so simple
I still fight to survive in this game
There's something inside of me, outside to
It's everywhere and no where
Deep inside of my self I have no clue
They often say life isn't fair
I think it is simply mind abuse
Denial that its human's who control
It's humans who are untrue
We are the ones who deny ourselves the world
So do we destroy the earth today
Or wait until tomorrow
No one cares to think about the way
Our brothers and sisters fill the air with pain and sorrow
What a shitty sad poem
I think I am to sensitive sometimes
So I leave this memory behind me
I'll read it again one day, hopefully on a brighter day
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Praise the lord the revelations are coming true!
So I just had a revelation today. Even though every moment I exist is a revelation, but I will leave that for another day.
Democracy is actually backwards. The whole system is fucking upside down. Think about it. You are not aloud to vote until you're 18, what the fuck is up with that. Not to mention all the other things you aren't aloud to do at a young age. Honestly I think the president of the united states and every democratic leader in every country of the world should actually be a child. Why is it that the most important decisions of mankind are made by people who are closer to death then anyone else...think about it!
Seriously, I know my ideas are extreme because we were born into a system that makes everyone so lazy that they don't want to think about changing things, but I got to say I love change. I know it's going to take a major global revolution, these things happen when you got a bunch of ignorant pricks guiding your future. What am I saying...IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!
The truth is, there a lot of stupid people out there; some are old, some are middle aged, and some are young. It hurts there feelings when you call them stupid, and it keeps them from learning when you tell them what to do. So you are left with thinking that you don't want to be killed by this person's stupidity, so either I control this dumbass or I have him killed because I am a total pussy. That's the sad kind of mentality this system creates in many intellects minds these days. Not to mention you are left with people like me who are denounced as young adults with "Mental disorders", merely because they are not understood by the general public of sensitive pricks who are to lazy and simple minded to see outside of their small freaking bubble of reality. I am sorry but I get really pissed off when I get thrown into the hospital because I say things that people don't agree with. Also because I am human and I am just like any other wild free minded animal that exists on planet earth...WE DON'T LIKE TO BE LOCKED IN A FUCKING CAGE!!!! The very idea of being trapped, killed, controlled, or sedated drives us out of our minds, and believe me IF I was stupid and didn't understand how well the system works for trapping us wild ones I would beat the crap out of a lot of stupid people. But ya I will get back to my point. I am sorry I just have to vent my rage and isolation somewhere, I am very compassionate and loving and this is how I get my frustrations out and points across.
Think about it. Baby's are born. The parents have their happy little time with their newborn. They are prepared for the world by their own birth parents, i.e. social skills..eating....drinking....cleaning themselves....respecting others.....and so on. Then they are brought into kindergarden, when enrolled in kindergarten they are given a bank account which grows until the day they are out of highschool. Unless they choose to go to college or university of course, if they choose that well then they get a raise and they are paid for every moment they attend class. So if during the childs school career he/she misses class he/she does not get paid.
Honestly I could go wayyyyyyy to in depth with this idea. I am going to stop now. Maybe if someone would actually pay me for thinking I would continue and make more sense out of it. But what do you know. People don't pay people to think..people pay people to think for them! I am sorry but I don't want to think for you or your massive corporate entity that promotes ritual suicide (joining the army), children having mad sex orgies (The use of birthcontrol pills, condoms, ect), Hypocritical self medication (War on drugs unless they are sold by a corporation or given to you by a doctor)........Can you sing everyone.......WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS.....WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS....WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS....I DON'T CARE IF I DIDN'T SPELL EVERY WORD RIGHT.
I think the problem with the world today is there is not enough university on basic cable LOL. If there was less homework and more interesting lectures like the ones I find on the internet in highschool or put on the tele screen, I would have wanted to be in university the day I left grade school...seriously!!! I didn't learn anything in high school about the "REAL" world at all until I left highschool and started doing my own research into world history, poetry, philosophy, ancient history, consciousness, spirituality, music, and soooo much more. I feel like my whole school experience from grade school to the end of high school was a simple minded conditioning process, and once I got out into the real world I found out the world was actually a world of scamming the crap out of the general population. The only great memories I got from school was the teachers who actually cared, and all the people I became friends with. I wish I dropped out the second I was put in. Then I would have sold lots of drugs, had a job and would have been rich already. Instead my time was wasted being told complete fables about world history, the human experience and the never ending struggle of humanity.
Television itself would be an amazing educational tool if it were not completely filled with mindless entertainment, commercials, corporate controlled media, commercials, ummm MTV, Muchmusic, Entertainer obsession shows, sexual masterbation, SO MUCH FUCKING FAKE BULLSHIT, and ohh ya did I say ummmm commercials.
Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most is rich people who sit there and make up all the rules. Then they get pissed when there kids get addicted to drugs and blame it on everyone but there own parenting abilities. I am not depressed, I am not bi polar....I am sick of all the fake, sell your self mumbo jumbo that is being fed to the masses. Its disgusting in all ways. We shouldn't have to act every moment of our lives. We shouldn't have to hide anything. But we do.
You know why most people hide what's on their mind. Because they are pussy's. They are insecure. and they care so much about hiding their disgusting impure selves that it makes them sick. People lie because they are unhappy with themselves. People put on their awesome clothes, Flash their money, sport their cars, flash their bling, beat each other up, and make fun of the ones that are closest to them behind their backs because they are to pussy to talk about whats really going on inside there heads.
You know why I don't talk a lot about whats going on in my head, because most of the time I know whats going on inside yours. SO I utter statements that get reactions so I can lauph.
I guess all I am saying is people talk to much shit and not enough truth. And I can't stand it. I love smart ass remarks, but I hate stupid reactions. I hate violence, I hate Crimes against humanity, AND YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE MOST OF ALL. I fucking hate crimes against nature itself.
and I regret to inform you...most of the world population is guilty of it. No one is perfect. I am my ultimate point of all.
The truth
I don't have a point anymore.....again
I think I have completely vented my frustrations with this world.
There's so much more I want to write but I am don't want to die young.
Peace, love, and understanding
A man with a dream.
Stuck in the future.
I am walking with my two children down a street with Marijuana, opium, coca plants growing freely. The world is populated again with plants and trees that grow real vegitation, the air and water is clean ounce again. We are walking towards my beautiful wife who is standing next to Emperine, our "A" sexual alien friend. As I walk a long this road I am telling my children about world war 3, and the collapse of the 3 major empires all around the world. Which was the collapse of all global industrial society. I tell them that many people died but it was because of their own ignorance to the unifying forces of nature and our role in those forces. Also how during world war 2 Emprine's race came down and with many other races of infinity came together to save earth and as many human lives on it as they could. They're pressence couldn't be known at first because it would have resulted in mass suicide and global destruction like the age of the dinosaurs.
I think I am going to make movie's one day. And invent some things. Who knows?
But until I find some people that actually understand what the hell I am talking about...I leave stories unfinished....questions unanswered....waiting for individuals who actually want to discuss what the fuck is actually going on in the universe.
Earth sucks.
I am building my self a time machine so I can can go to the time that I am stuck in.
Democracy is actually backwards. The whole system is fucking upside down. Think about it. You are not aloud to vote until you're 18, what the fuck is up with that. Not to mention all the other things you aren't aloud to do at a young age. Honestly I think the president of the united states and every democratic leader in every country of the world should actually be a child. Why is it that the most important decisions of mankind are made by people who are closer to death then anyone else...think about it!
Seriously, I know my ideas are extreme because we were born into a system that makes everyone so lazy that they don't want to think about changing things, but I got to say I love change. I know it's going to take a major global revolution, these things happen when you got a bunch of ignorant pricks guiding your future. What am I saying...IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!
The truth is, there a lot of stupid people out there; some are old, some are middle aged, and some are young. It hurts there feelings when you call them stupid, and it keeps them from learning when you tell them what to do. So you are left with thinking that you don't want to be killed by this person's stupidity, so either I control this dumbass or I have him killed because I am a total pussy. That's the sad kind of mentality this system creates in many intellects minds these days. Not to mention you are left with people like me who are denounced as young adults with "Mental disorders", merely because they are not understood by the general public of sensitive pricks who are to lazy and simple minded to see outside of their small freaking bubble of reality. I am sorry but I get really pissed off when I get thrown into the hospital because I say things that people don't agree with. Also because I am human and I am just like any other wild free minded animal that exists on planet earth...WE DON'T LIKE TO BE LOCKED IN A FUCKING CAGE!!!! The very idea of being trapped, killed, controlled, or sedated drives us out of our minds, and believe me IF I was stupid and didn't understand how well the system works for trapping us wild ones I would beat the crap out of a lot of stupid people. But ya I will get back to my point. I am sorry I just have to vent my rage and isolation somewhere, I am very compassionate and loving and this is how I get my frustrations out and points across.
Think about it. Baby's are born. The parents have their happy little time with their newborn. They are prepared for the world by their own birth parents, i.e. social skills..eating....drinking....cleaning themselves....respecting others.....and so on. Then they are brought into kindergarden, when enrolled in kindergarten they are given a bank account which grows until the day they are out of highschool. Unless they choose to go to college or university of course, if they choose that well then they get a raise and they are paid for every moment they attend class. So if during the childs school career he/she misses class he/she does not get paid.
Honestly I could go wayyyyyyy to in depth with this idea. I am going to stop now. Maybe if someone would actually pay me for thinking I would continue and make more sense out of it. But what do you know. People don't pay people to think..people pay people to think for them! I am sorry but I don't want to think for you or your massive corporate entity that promotes ritual suicide (joining the army), children having mad sex orgies (The use of birthcontrol pills, condoms, ect), Hypocritical self medication (War on drugs unless they are sold by a corporation or given to you by a doctor)........Can you sing everyone.......WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS.....WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS....WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS....I DON'T CARE IF I DIDN'T SPELL EVERY WORD RIGHT.
I think the problem with the world today is there is not enough university on basic cable LOL. If there was less homework and more interesting lectures like the ones I find on the internet in highschool or put on the tele screen, I would have wanted to be in university the day I left grade school...seriously!!! I didn't learn anything in high school about the "REAL" world at all until I left highschool and started doing my own research into world history, poetry, philosophy, ancient history, consciousness, spirituality, music, and soooo much more. I feel like my whole school experience from grade school to the end of high school was a simple minded conditioning process, and once I got out into the real world I found out the world was actually a world of scamming the crap out of the general population. The only great memories I got from school was the teachers who actually cared, and all the people I became friends with. I wish I dropped out the second I was put in. Then I would have sold lots of drugs, had a job and would have been rich already. Instead my time was wasted being told complete fables about world history, the human experience and the never ending struggle of humanity.
Television itself would be an amazing educational tool if it were not completely filled with mindless entertainment, commercials, corporate controlled media, commercials, ummm MTV, Muchmusic, Entertainer obsession shows, sexual masterbation, SO MUCH FUCKING FAKE BULLSHIT, and ohh ya did I say ummmm commercials.
Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most is rich people who sit there and make up all the rules. Then they get pissed when there kids get addicted to drugs and blame it on everyone but there own parenting abilities. I am not depressed, I am not bi polar....I am sick of all the fake, sell your self mumbo jumbo that is being fed to the masses. Its disgusting in all ways. We shouldn't have to act every moment of our lives. We shouldn't have to hide anything. But we do.
You know why most people hide what's on their mind. Because they are pussy's. They are insecure. and they care so much about hiding their disgusting impure selves that it makes them sick. People lie because they are unhappy with themselves. People put on their awesome clothes, Flash their money, sport their cars, flash their bling, beat each other up, and make fun of the ones that are closest to them behind their backs because they are to pussy to talk about whats really going on inside there heads.
You know why I don't talk a lot about whats going on in my head, because most of the time I know whats going on inside yours. SO I utter statements that get reactions so I can lauph.
I guess all I am saying is people talk to much shit and not enough truth. And I can't stand it. I love smart ass remarks, but I hate stupid reactions. I hate violence, I hate Crimes against humanity, AND YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE MOST OF ALL. I fucking hate crimes against nature itself.
and I regret to inform you...most of the world population is guilty of it. No one is perfect. I am my ultimate point of all.
The truth
I don't have a point anymore.....again
I think I have completely vented my frustrations with this world.
There's so much more I want to write but I am don't want to die young.
Peace, love, and understanding
A man with a dream.
Stuck in the future.
I am walking with my two children down a street with Marijuana, opium, coca plants growing freely. The world is populated again with plants and trees that grow real vegitation, the air and water is clean ounce again. We are walking towards my beautiful wife who is standing next to Emperine, our "A" sexual alien friend. As I walk a long this road I am telling my children about world war 3, and the collapse of the 3 major empires all around the world. Which was the collapse of all global industrial society. I tell them that many people died but it was because of their own ignorance to the unifying forces of nature and our role in those forces. Also how during world war 2 Emprine's race came down and with many other races of infinity came together to save earth and as many human lives on it as they could. They're pressence couldn't be known at first because it would have resulted in mass suicide and global destruction like the age of the dinosaurs.
I think I am going to make movie's one day. And invent some things. Who knows?
But until I find some people that actually understand what the hell I am talking about...I leave stories unfinished....questions unanswered....waiting for individuals who actually want to discuss what the fuck is actually going on in the universe.
Earth sucks.
I am building my self a time machine so I can can go to the time that I am stuck in.
Friday, September 15, 2006
What would you do
What would you do
If you woke up in a cage
Deep underground
Captured by an alien race
What would you do
If everything you were ever told was a lie
Knowing the real truth
Was inside your own mind
If you were walking down a road
Really late a night
A being appeared in front of you
Told you why you should fight
Didn't use his mouth
But spoke with its mind
Had you in a trance
Taking you out of time
Reality is what you make of it
Not what others make for you
If you had the choice to levitate
What would you do
Is this strange to find
Can you read my mind
Only the one's out there can
The one's outside of time
What would you do
Oh what would you do
Pray to your god
Not realizing that its satin
Trying to decieve you
Mimble me
Mimble mo
Shitty sha roo
Open the door
Peace litte crackers stuck inside an empty football
If you woke up in a cage
Deep underground
Captured by an alien race
What would you do
If everything you were ever told was a lie
Knowing the real truth
Was inside your own mind
If you were walking down a road
Really late a night
A being appeared in front of you
Told you why you should fight
Didn't use his mouth
But spoke with its mind
Had you in a trance
Taking you out of time
Reality is what you make of it
Not what others make for you
If you had the choice to levitate
What would you do
Is this strange to find
Can you read my mind
Only the one's out there can
The one's outside of time
What would you do
Oh what would you do
Pray to your god
Not realizing that its satin
Trying to decieve you
Mimble me
Mimble mo
Shitty sha roo
Open the door
Peace litte crackers stuck inside an empty football
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Jingle bells you are under a spell
Free your mind, we are not going extinct
The evil time, is making you all think
Stuck in a book, It speaks in fables
The heavens shook, God is unstable
Dreaming forever, I can't help it's true
Reality aint over, you are absolutely confused
We are run by crooks, see through the lie
Playing chess with rooks, Let's just end time
What day is it, what year too
what ever you think it is, you still don't have a clue
Does this hurt, I hope not
Look at your shirt, My it's getting hot
They know they are loosing, yet they continue
How long is it going to take, we have so much to loose
I want to live, very very long
I don't give up, is there something wrong
Keep on lying to me, I'll watch you loose your teeth
Next time it might be your life, because you started a fight
Keep blaming it on them, but it is all you
Keep trying to pretend, reality has no news
Communication is divided, You think you know the truth
If you really knew, you would probably put your head in a nuse
I don't give a fvck, what you make of this masterpiece
All I am saying is show me real love, And you will be at peace
This isn't no arrogant ramble, this aint no guide for you
This is me twisting the truth
In order to create something new
Peace, love, and understanding
The evil time, is making you all think
Stuck in a book, It speaks in fables
The heavens shook, God is unstable
Dreaming forever, I can't help it's true
Reality aint over, you are absolutely confused
We are run by crooks, see through the lie
Playing chess with rooks, Let's just end time
What day is it, what year too
what ever you think it is, you still don't have a clue
Does this hurt, I hope not
Look at your shirt, My it's getting hot
They know they are loosing, yet they continue
How long is it going to take, we have so much to loose
I want to live, very very long
I don't give up, is there something wrong
Keep on lying to me, I'll watch you loose your teeth
Next time it might be your life, because you started a fight
Keep blaming it on them, but it is all you
Keep trying to pretend, reality has no news
Communication is divided, You think you know the truth
If you really knew, you would probably put your head in a nuse
I don't give a fvck, what you make of this masterpiece
All I am saying is show me real love, And you will be at peace
This isn't no arrogant ramble, this aint no guide for you
This is me twisting the truth
In order to create something new
Peace, love, and understanding
Monday, September 11, 2006
Oh god I believe in allah now. Don't worry son I am both. Don't believe just know.
Man and woman can't get together anymore
Genetics are confused and aliens control the earth
Microscopic truth in an illuminated pool of nonsense
We are all enlightened at birth but systems are screwed
Ultimate attempts to control and confuse
Can't speak in real english anymore
Terrorism is a mind threat with one cure
Thought I was insane but learned im the opposite
The world continues to burn
Truth of a demonic sinister plot
Muslims aint the problem
Nor the christians
The free thinking minds are the ones they are scared of
Make you conform
How long will you continue to do what you're told
Do you want to live forever or grow old
Maybe there's no way out
Out is in and in is out
Get drunk and fuck the shit out of each
you lost souls
Pop your pills
Ease the pain
Then play the name game
It aint my fault
It aint their fault
You are the fault
Ignorance aint bliss forever
Only for a little while
Up to the point that truth SLAPS you across the face and says
Hello there mr or mrs souless
Don't take my hand
Don't take their's
Pick your sad self off of the ground and think for your self
Is this absurd or is it extreme
Waking you up and welcoming you to the dream
Not the American
Not the Canadian
Countries have no part in the dream
The only thing that is welcome is you
The conscious entity that you are
Satin's demonds are hear to stick you with a needle full of HIV
Ease the pain with pills and watch you slip away into the depths of hell
Yes I am certainly talking in symbols
This aint about the material world
This is purely spiritual
The world beyond the exterior
The world that exists within your mind
maybe i spelt it wrong
Words are only symbols its true
The final question
Can you desipher the absolute TRUTH?
Another confusing poetic moment brought to you by
Genetics are confused and aliens control the earth
Microscopic truth in an illuminated pool of nonsense
We are all enlightened at birth but systems are screwed
Ultimate attempts to control and confuse
Can't speak in real english anymore
Terrorism is a mind threat with one cure
Thought I was insane but learned im the opposite
The world continues to burn
Truth of a demonic sinister plot
Muslims aint the problem
Nor the christians
The free thinking minds are the ones they are scared of
Make you conform
How long will you continue to do what you're told
Do you want to live forever or grow old
Maybe there's no way out
Out is in and in is out
Get drunk and fuck the shit out of each
you lost souls
Pop your pills
Ease the pain
Then play the name game
It aint my fault
It aint their fault
You are the fault
Ignorance aint bliss forever
Only for a little while
Up to the point that truth SLAPS you across the face and says
Hello there mr or mrs souless
Don't take my hand
Don't take their's
Pick your sad self off of the ground and think for your self
Is this absurd or is it extreme
Waking you up and welcoming you to the dream
Not the American
Not the Canadian
Countries have no part in the dream
The only thing that is welcome is you
The conscious entity that you are
Satin's demonds are hear to stick you with a needle full of HIV
Ease the pain with pills and watch you slip away into the depths of hell
Yes I am certainly talking in symbols
This aint about the material world
This is purely spiritual
The world beyond the exterior
The world that exists within your mind
maybe i spelt it wrong
Words are only symbols its true
The final question
Can you desipher the absolute TRUTH?
Another confusing poetic moment brought to you by
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Happy days
Life is good
People are great
A positive message
From your friend
Whether you want to believe it or not
Peace, Love, Understanding, unity, and Eternity
Do you want to talk to me????
People are great
A positive message
From your friend
Whether you want to believe it or not
Peace, Love, Understanding, unity, and Eternity
Do you want to talk to me????
Monday, August 21, 2006
Another thing
Why don't they teach the path to enlightenment in school. Maybe a lot of teacher's in the western world do not even know about it.
Snoochy boochy
Snoochy boochy
A pricelss find
So I read A LOT. I think that is probably why I am so insane. I am always seeing deeper truths in things. I read books, movies, people, and even rocks now. It's like I recieve relevant information from everything and nothing. But anyways I was searching through the internet and I came up with this:
The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth.
I am so many things lol. I think I just may be a Free Mason now to. Who knows. A true one at that. Basically all I am saying is that I read this and it reminded of myself.....BIG TIME!!!!
Peace and love.
The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth.
I am so many things lol. I think I just may be a Free Mason now to. Who knows. A true one at that. Basically all I am saying is that I read this and it reminded of myself.....BIG TIME!!!!
Peace and love.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I've come to a discovery
So yes I had another hospital experience. It was like a hotel to me this time. I actually had a blast.
The discovery I've come to is that the words I use on this blog and in reality actually scare the crap out of people. I am so good at making up bullshit that people actually think I believe more then half the shit I say.
With this discovery, I have come to one conclusion.
enough said
Peace, love, and understanding
Perfectly and totally healthy, good, fine, and ALIVE as usual
P.S. I am chilling at Melissa and Eric's pad for the weekend, I love these guys. They understand me really well. It's good to know that a lot of my friends do understand me.
FVCK YAL THAT DON'T! I still love you though. That's just me. A loving and compassionate, and immensely FORGIVING individual.
The discovery I've come to is that the words I use on this blog and in reality actually scare the crap out of people. I am so good at making up bullshit that people actually think I believe more then half the shit I say.
With this discovery, I have come to one conclusion.
enough said
Peace, love, and understanding
Perfectly and totally healthy, good, fine, and ALIVE as usual
P.S. I am chilling at Melissa and Eric's pad for the weekend, I love these guys. They understand me really well. It's good to know that a lot of my friends do understand me.
FVCK YAL THAT DON'T! I still love you though. That's just me. A loving and compassionate, and immensely FORGIVING individual.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
I wonder
I wander
I wonder
I wander
A question with no answer constantly crosses my mind
I think
I drink
Eat and rarely sleep
There's something miraculous about this reality
It's like a fvcking miracle that this is happening right now
I am alive, I exist, I may die tomorrow...hopefully I'll live really long!
What is this?
What ever you want it to be.
All I ask of you is: Don't forget about me
But that's never the final question or answer
It's true
I am sorry to dissapoint you.
The new trick of the moment.
Peace, love and understanding
P.S. LOVE you long time dearest of friends, and I promise I will never forget you.
I wander
I wonder
I wander
A question with no answer constantly crosses my mind
I think
I drink
Eat and rarely sleep
There's something miraculous about this reality
It's like a fvcking miracle that this is happening right now
I am alive, I exist, I may die tomorrow...hopefully I'll live really long!
What is this?
What ever you want it to be.
All I ask of you is: Don't forget about me
But that's never the final question or answer
It's true
I am sorry to dissapoint you.
The new trick of the moment.
Peace, love and understanding
P.S. LOVE you long time dearest of friends, and I promise I will never forget you.
Friday, August 04, 2006
What have I noticed in my last moments of eternity?
Life is good.
People worry to much about me.
Not everyone.
I love the one's that just know in their hearts that I can take care of myself.
My parents can be really over protective.
I am worried about them a little. They be stressin......seriously.....I think my dad more then my mom though.
What can I say.
That's just me,
Arch angel from heaven who is stuck saving souls in hell.
I am still in heaven and never leave though.
And yes I know that's totally absurd and bullshit.
But I don't care what you think about me...it could still be true.
All I want is love, that's all I give.
Uncle Samson
People worry to much about me.
Not everyone.
I love the one's that just know in their hearts that I can take care of myself.
My parents can be really over protective.
I am worried about them a little. They be stressin......seriously.....I think my dad more then my mom though.
What can I say.
That's just me,
Arch angel from heaven who is stuck saving souls in hell.
I am still in heaven and never leave though.
And yes I know that's totally absurd and bullshit.
But I don't care what you think about me...it could still be true.
All I want is love, that's all I give.
Uncle Samson
Monday, July 24, 2006
ok ok ok......maybe in a few more years kids
Peace out,
That guy you from some where and his name isn't Chris.
ok ok ok......maybe in a few more years kids
Peace out,
That guy you from some where and his name isn't Chris.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Man am I tired
Another long hard day at work. I can't wait to get home. There is something really comforting about the suburbs!!
It must be my REAL friends or something.
I think it's the medication thats really slowing me down. I hope I don't become a zombie again.
Remember the world is full of snakes, vampires, and liars. LOTS OF LIARS.
USE LIAR REPELENT. Use your eyes to see into their soul. It's a gift from IT.
LOL and just for the record I don't think I am god or Jesus or anything. But they are both close friends of mine.
Peace out Homi's
Place it safe.
And remember
Heaven is merely a state of mind!
Peace Home slices in the projects. RUNNIN IT GOOD!!!
It must be my REAL friends or something.
I think it's the medication thats really slowing me down. I hope I don't become a zombie again.
Remember the world is full of snakes, vampires, and liars. LOTS OF LIARS.
USE LIAR REPELENT. Use your eyes to see into their soul. It's a gift from IT.
LOL and just for the record I don't think I am god or Jesus or anything. But they are both close friends of mine.
Peace out Homi's
Place it safe.
And remember
Heaven is merely a state of mind!
Peace Home slices in the projects. RUNNIN IT GOOD!!!
Another thing
There are a lot of beautiful girls in this country. But we shouldn't go around trying to fvck everyone we see. In my opinion I think we should save ourselves for just the right one. I can't wait to meet her one day. Who ever she is.
All I know is that I will find her. Probably in toronto one day. Or maybe I already have. Who knows with Samson
He never stops lying.
What a bastard.
Lol I love talking in third person.
You never know who's writing this shit.
That comes with the business world I guess. Who knows.
To many snakes.
Good thing I am a day walking vampire who can fly like superman, and shoot webslingers like spider man. Who knew dreams could actually come true. I did!!!!!!!!
Peace, love and understanding brothers and sisters of Ajax
Chillin in London....ENGLAND,,,,I love the Government.
They fly you around the word when you're a superstar.
For free.
Uncle Samson
All I know is that I will find her. Probably in toronto one day. Or maybe I already have. Who knows with Samson
He never stops lying.
What a bastard.
Lol I love talking in third person.
You never know who's writing this shit.
That comes with the business world I guess. Who knows.
To many snakes.
Good thing I am a day walking vampire who can fly like superman, and shoot webslingers like spider man. Who knew dreams could actually come true. I did!!!!!!!!
Peace, love and understanding brothers and sisters of Ajax
Chillin in London....ENGLAND,,,,I love the Government.
They fly you around the word when you're a superstar.
For free.
Uncle Samson
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Monday, July 10, 2006
Christopher Samson's bedtime story for children
Close your eyes and imagine a world. A world where no one is trying to implement fear into your mind. A world where people aren't trying to piss you off. A world where everyone understands how sensitive we all are. A world where creatures live in peace and harmony in an existence that is completely absurd. One day this world could be possible. All it takes is for you to close your eyes and dream up ways to make the reality you see when you open your eyes a better place, It's that simple young one. You just have to try. You have the ability to create reality with your mind. It starts with a thought. Then you can choose to take that thought you have inside you mind and make it a reality with an action. With that action there is an infinite amount of reactions. It's like a ripple that spreads across this entire existence. What you have to remember children is that when you act on a negative thought it will come back and effect you one day. Maybe not in this moment, maybe not in the next, but in some moment in the future it will effect you. So knowing this try and develope control over your self. Try and only act on positive thoughts. Try and live in a positive flow of energy or thoughts. It feels really good. It's natural, it's balance, it's your life.
Don't listen to me, don't repeat what I say, Ignore everything outside your mind, listen to the soul deep within your own mind.
The "I" that we all are. It might just be god or maybe allah, IT, something, nothing, bullshit, energy, divine forces. WHO REALLY KNOWS WHERE THOUGHTS COME FROM. NO ONE
The truth?
A question?
DON'T LET THE BED BUGS BITE (Who the hell came up with that anyways....it's like let's come up with a slogan to say to our kid's every night to scare the crappolla out of them)
It's almost as bad as hearing "Would you like fries with that"....That's a freaking nightmare in itself
Or how about
Customer: "Can I get a veggie burger?"
Clerk: "A combo sir?"
LOL hahahahaha man I am a total bitch. I need a life or something. Ohh wait I already got that
I admit I am still "Lovin it"......life that is......fvck fast food...that shit aint good for you...although it's a nice treat sometimes.
MMMMMmmmm veggie burger!
Peace, love, and understandin
Uncle Samson
Don't listen to me, don't repeat what I say, Ignore everything outside your mind, listen to the soul deep within your own mind.
The "I" that we all are. It might just be god or maybe allah, IT, something, nothing, bullshit, energy, divine forces. WHO REALLY KNOWS WHERE THOUGHTS COME FROM. NO ONE
The truth?
A question?
DON'T LET THE BED BUGS BITE (Who the hell came up with that anyways....it's like let's come up with a slogan to say to our kid's every night to scare the crappolla out of them)
It's almost as bad as hearing "Would you like fries with that"....That's a freaking nightmare in itself
Or how about
Customer: "Can I get a veggie burger?"
Clerk: "A combo sir?"
LOL hahahahaha man I am a total bitch. I need a life or something. Ohh wait I already got that
I admit I am still "Lovin it"......life that is......fvck fast food...that shit aint good for you...although it's a nice treat sometimes.
MMMMMmmmm veggie burger!
Peace, love, and understandin
Uncle Samson
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Some random thoughts....Not from my head....Fishbait gave em to me.
1. If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.
2. Don't worry about what people think; they don't do it very often.
3. Going to a church doesn't make you a Christian any more
than standing in a garage makes you a car.
4. It isn't the jeans that make your butt look fat.
5. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
8. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
9. For every action, there is an equal & opposite government program.
10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.
11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
12. A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel good.
13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. (Just remember how
lucky you were to get a free trip around the sun.)
14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
15. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.
16. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind &
narrowness of the waist change places.
18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
19. Junk is something you've kept for years &
throw away three weeks before you need it.
20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
21. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you
to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
22. By the time you can make the ends meet, they move the ends.
23. Thou shall not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
24. Someone who thinks logically provides
a nice contrast to the real world.
25. If you must choose between two evils,
choose the one that you've never tried before.
2. Don't worry about what people think; they don't do it very often.
3. Going to a church doesn't make you a Christian any more
than standing in a garage makes you a car.
4. It isn't the jeans that make your butt look fat.
5. Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
6. My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
7. Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
8. It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
9. For every action, there is an equal & opposite government program.
10. If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.
11. Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
12. A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel good.
13. Eat well, stay fit, die anyway. (Just remember how
lucky you were to get a free trip around the sun.)
14. Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
15. No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.
16. A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
17. Middle age is when broadness of the mind &
narrowness of the waist change places.
18. Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
19. Junk is something you've kept for years &
throw away three weeks before you need it.
20. There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
21. Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you
to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
22. By the time you can make the ends meet, they move the ends.
23. Thou shall not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
24. Someone who thinks logically provides
a nice contrast to the real world.
25. If you must choose between two evils,
choose the one that you've never tried before.
The puppet and his woman
No strings attatched
No contracts to sign
Making reality
Trying to end time
Creating a beautiful future
Rising into the heavens
Still on planet earth
A human being in a beautiful country
Free at last
Couldn't be any happier
Well maybe if I was with the girl of my dreams
Maybe I'll meet her on the streets
In a studio mixing beats
Im my head
When I'm dead
I won't die until I find you
When I do
I will want to live forever
I hope you do to
You will complete this absurd puzzle
You will end this insanity
The human mind is infinite with creativity
In a bar
In a strip club
Palace in mind
Final Fantasy
The world will judge
I don't csre
nor do you
As long as our love IS TRUE.
Truth wrapped in a lie
and NO excuse
I will never forget your beautiful eyes
My love is for you
Later mystical Nakita
Smell you later
Wouldn't want to be ya.
I'm fvcking dumb and bored. I think I am going to get back to work now
Peace out brotherhood of existential thinkers and non believers
Continuing to be myself!
Forever and always
No contracts to sign
Making reality
Trying to end time
Creating a beautiful future
Rising into the heavens
Still on planet earth
A human being in a beautiful country
Free at last
Couldn't be any happier
Well maybe if I was with the girl of my dreams
Maybe I'll meet her on the streets
In a studio mixing beats
Im my head
When I'm dead
I won't die until I find you
When I do
I will want to live forever
I hope you do to
You will complete this absurd puzzle
You will end this insanity
The human mind is infinite with creativity
In a bar
In a strip club
Palace in mind
Final Fantasy
The world will judge
I don't csre
nor do you
As long as our love IS TRUE.
Truth wrapped in a lie
and NO excuse
I will never forget your beautiful eyes
My love is for you
Later mystical Nakita
Smell you later
Wouldn't want to be ya.
I'm fvcking dumb and bored. I think I am going to get back to work now
Peace out brotherhood of existential thinkers and non believers
Continuing to be myself!
Forever and always
Monday, June 19, 2006
Realize everything is made up of energy
These words and this physical reality is a memory
It is the past
The future is not physical
But consciousness that exists beyond this world is constanly changing this reality or whatever you want to call it
In order to heal your self
By self I mean more then just the human body you think you only are
Realize that the picture is infinite and infinity is positive energy
Stop questioning reality because you are a part of the creation of reality
You make up the answers and the future of this reality
The moment you doubt yourself
The moment you doubt this reality
Is the moment where it collapses
But luckily you aren't the only section of consciousness creating this reality
Because if you were, all reality would cease to be
Don't fall into a downward spiral
Continue to project yourself further into infinity
Instead of falling back into the nothingness
Continue to learn and evolve
Feel the vibrations of energy and ride them
Be free from the lies and accept the truth
Everything changes
And anything is possible
Live it
Love it
Exist forever
Or never exist at all
A choice for the conscious observer
To constantly make
Over and Over again
That is the trick
But what do I know
I'm fvcking crazy, I don't know shit, I'm a dambed hippy.
Peace and love gorgeous people of earth
I love you all
These words and this physical reality is a memory
It is the past
The future is not physical
But consciousness that exists beyond this world is constanly changing this reality or whatever you want to call it
In order to heal your self
By self I mean more then just the human body you think you only are
Realize that the picture is infinite and infinity is positive energy
Stop questioning reality because you are a part of the creation of reality
You make up the answers and the future of this reality
The moment you doubt yourself
The moment you doubt this reality
Is the moment where it collapses
But luckily you aren't the only section of consciousness creating this reality
Because if you were, all reality would cease to be
Don't fall into a downward spiral
Continue to project yourself further into infinity
Instead of falling back into the nothingness
Continue to learn and evolve
Feel the vibrations of energy and ride them
Be free from the lies and accept the truth
Everything changes
And anything is possible
Live it
Love it
Exist forever
Or never exist at all
A choice for the conscious observer
To constantly make
Over and Over again
That is the trick
But what do I know
I'm fvcking crazy, I don't know shit, I'm a dambed hippy.
Peace and love gorgeous people of earth
I love you all
Thursday, June 15, 2006
The test
Do you have what it takes to believe in nothing
To know yourself to the point of no return
Realize that truth has no logical something
Your perspective changes when you learn
Testing you to see if you can break the barriers
Soar into infinity with me in the future
Angels and demons are real if you want them to be
Closed minded fucks that cannot see
I laugh out loud to the words that I type
love you all and this planet beyond your comprehension
Trying to take you into a positive vibration
That knows no limits and is another dimension
Dimension of reality
Existence is so meaninglessly true
I love observing your confused little minds
Yes you the corrupt of youth
I guess you can hate me
For the words that I speak
I forgive you over and again
Because my LOVE IS TRUE
wish to show you the truth someday
I've been hiding it from the world
you're not ready to accept what I offer
I am slowly breaking the spell
Going on and on
Warping the future from hell
The more I go along
The more confused and annoyed you get
Living in the positive vibrations of life and death
Knowing it is all inside my head
The head that doesn't even exist at all
The illusion that I am
I will never leave you behind
MY DEAREST OF FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep the bullshit real. I LOVE IT.
I GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU. I am going to pull it out of the hat when you least expect it.
Sense or nonsense
You say you get it
But I think you are afraid
Afraid to really understand
Peace, Love, and understanding
Continuously trying to make the world a better place, whether you want to believe it or not.
Planet earth is fun. I think I am going to go travel across the galaxy for a little while though.
Travelling through time and space is soooooo fun. You should try it someday.
To know yourself to the point of no return
Realize that truth has no logical something
Your perspective changes when you learn
Testing you to see if you can break the barriers
Soar into infinity with me in the future
Angels and demons are real if you want them to be
Closed minded fucks that cannot see
I laugh out loud to the words that I type
love you all and this planet beyond your comprehension
Trying to take you into a positive vibration
That knows no limits and is another dimension
Dimension of reality
Existence is so meaninglessly true
I love observing your confused little minds
Yes you the corrupt of youth
I guess you can hate me
For the words that I speak
I forgive you over and again
Because my LOVE IS TRUE
wish to show you the truth someday
I've been hiding it from the world
you're not ready to accept what I offer
I am slowly breaking the spell
Going on and on
Warping the future from hell
The more I go along
The more confused and annoyed you get
Living in the positive vibrations of life and death
Knowing it is all inside my head
The head that doesn't even exist at all
The illusion that I am
I will never leave you behind
MY DEAREST OF FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep the bullshit real. I LOVE IT.
I GOT A SURPRISE FOR YOU. I am going to pull it out of the hat when you least expect it.
Sense or nonsense
You say you get it
But I think you are afraid
Afraid to really understand
Peace, Love, and understanding
Continuously trying to make the world a better place, whether you want to believe it or not.
Planet earth is fun. I think I am going to go travel across the galaxy for a little while though.
Travelling through time and space is soooooo fun. You should try it someday.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
The world is yours
The world is yours
The world is mine
Open the doors
and you will find
Keep looking for her
She's looking for you
Don't forget to tell people
That your love is true
Something from me to you
Let it go and show
Something that was always there
Do you have clue
An ancient being of course
Inside and out of you
Purple skies
Bumble bee tunes
Do it for the kids
Do it for yourself
A memory for you
You and everyone else
Forget sll you know
Nothing and everything
absorb all the negative energy
manifest it into something positive
Don't let anyone bring you down
never never
Give up the fight
Flow with me
and I'll flow with you
Keep your mind clear
and don't get confused
end this now
it's getting to long
Bye for now
Peace, love and songs
The world is mine
Open the doors
and you will find
Keep looking for her
She's looking for you
Don't forget to tell people
That your love is true
Something from me to you
Let it go and show
Something that was always there
Do you have clue
An ancient being of course
Inside and out of you
Purple skies
Bumble bee tunes
Do it for the kids
Do it for yourself
A memory for you
You and everyone else
Forget sll you know
Nothing and everything
absorb all the negative energy
manifest it into something positive
Don't let anyone bring you down
never never
Give up the fight
Flow with me
and I'll flow with you
Keep your mind clear
and don't get confused
end this now
it's getting to long
Bye for now
Peace, love and songs
Monday, April 24, 2006
What is this?
How is it possible?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
You know what I've come to realize. Questioning reality is pointless because you can only make up the answers. There are no right, wrong, real or definite answers. It's funny the not smoking so much pot thing is really working out for me, I am starting to remember all the books I've read. I was thinking about existence like I always do, ya I know philosopher boy never shuts up. But yeah I started thinking about "Brief history of time" by Stephen Hawkins. He talks about how scientists are trying come up with the grand unification theory for the universe, or something along those lines.
I think I know what it is. First off I must say scientists make me lauph. Why you wonder? Because they dedicate their life to trying to create logical, detailed explanations to how things work. By doing this they become completely uneccepting to the fact (in my mind) that maybe ultimately their is no logical explanation to all of this. Don't get me wrong science has explained, brought logic to, and created some wonderful things but I think in the grand scheme of things there is no logical explanation. It's a paradox, a phenomenon, a mother fucking miracle that anything exists at all!!!!
So here's my grand unification theory.
Everything in existence is completely balaced, completely equal, and connected. The universe is actually infinite, they just think it is finite because you can't observe all of infinity because its infinite to the point that its almost incomprehensible. It's impossible to see the edge of the universe because there actually is no edge. It just appears that there is an end of the universe because no technology will ever be able to observe all of infinity. The more technologically advanced we become the more we will be able to observe but there is no edge or end of the universe. The universe is actually total nothingness that is infinite. Existence is possible because of this contradiction between nothingness and infinity. With nothing and infinity contradicting itself energy is created. This energy is the most common energy in existence. It is what holds everything together, after that energy all sorts of things are formed like sub-atomic particles, matter, atoms, whatever. It is an eternity of manifestations ultimately leading to this point where I am sitting right now writing these words trying to show you my perspective on existence. I know it doesn't make sense and seams impossible but I said it and I'll say it again, existence is a miracle. It is a never ending calamity of non stop contradictions. Its always happening and it never happend at all.
It's like that metaphor. "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound"
Think about it.
Well that's my basic and quick grand unification theory. Scientists kiss my ass, I figured it out before ha ha ha! lol and keep up the good work.
And make me a machine that makes things from nothing. All this came from nothing so its gotta be possible to make a machine that can do the same.
Again.....Think about it?
Im a looser, I get lost in my head thinking about this shit. Ohh well I enjoy it. I can't help but lauph how absurd existence is, I am totally amazed by all this. All of the friggin time.
PEace out
Stuck in the moment.
How is it possible?
What came first the chicken or the egg?
You know what I've come to realize. Questioning reality is pointless because you can only make up the answers. There are no right, wrong, real or definite answers. It's funny the not smoking so much pot thing is really working out for me, I am starting to remember all the books I've read. I was thinking about existence like I always do, ya I know philosopher boy never shuts up. But yeah I started thinking about "Brief history of time" by Stephen Hawkins. He talks about how scientists are trying come up with the grand unification theory for the universe, or something along those lines.
I think I know what it is. First off I must say scientists make me lauph. Why you wonder? Because they dedicate their life to trying to create logical, detailed explanations to how things work. By doing this they become completely uneccepting to the fact (in my mind) that maybe ultimately their is no logical explanation to all of this. Don't get me wrong science has explained, brought logic to, and created some wonderful things but I think in the grand scheme of things there is no logical explanation. It's a paradox, a phenomenon, a mother fucking miracle that anything exists at all!!!!
So here's my grand unification theory.
Everything in existence is completely balaced, completely equal, and connected. The universe is actually infinite, they just think it is finite because you can't observe all of infinity because its infinite to the point that its almost incomprehensible. It's impossible to see the edge of the universe because there actually is no edge. It just appears that there is an end of the universe because no technology will ever be able to observe all of infinity. The more technologically advanced we become the more we will be able to observe but there is no edge or end of the universe. The universe is actually total nothingness that is infinite. Existence is possible because of this contradiction between nothingness and infinity. With nothing and infinity contradicting itself energy is created. This energy is the most common energy in existence. It is what holds everything together, after that energy all sorts of things are formed like sub-atomic particles, matter, atoms, whatever. It is an eternity of manifestations ultimately leading to this point where I am sitting right now writing these words trying to show you my perspective on existence. I know it doesn't make sense and seams impossible but I said it and I'll say it again, existence is a miracle. It is a never ending calamity of non stop contradictions. Its always happening and it never happend at all.
It's like that metaphor. "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound"
Think about it.
Well that's my basic and quick grand unification theory. Scientists kiss my ass, I figured it out before ha ha ha! lol and keep up the good work.
And make me a machine that makes things from nothing. All this came from nothing so its gotta be possible to make a machine that can do the same.
Again.....Think about it?
Im a looser, I get lost in my head thinking about this shit. Ohh well I enjoy it. I can't help but lauph how absurd existence is, I am totally amazed by all this. All of the friggin time.
PEace out
Stuck in the moment.
Monday, January 30, 2006
Spiralling Supernova in a universe that makes to much and no sense all at the same time.
I wonder when God first came into the human mind. Probably at the point where we could understand that there are forces greater then ourselves (human bodies) that we cannot explain. It just came about sometime a long time ago I guess. God created all of this, God struck your son with lightning, God made the tides crash through our homes along the waters shoarline. God is responsible for everything because God is everything. God is the one massive being that is all of existence. I think that God is real and really does exist. But I don't think that God is what many people have come to think it is. Many people have adopted the idea that God is a human, that God thinks, acts and judges like a human. Many people think that there is a heaven and hell. I think not. I think that philosophers, powerful, and more intelligent people of the past came up with that whole idea. That God judges and punishes you. That God is this man sitting on a throne in this perfect utopia called heaven. I think they created those ideas to make the more ignorant people believe that they have to be good and listen to the powers that be. The truth is God exists. God is everything. God is one eternal being. But he is not human, he is not a he. God is all human beings, all creatures, all planets, solar systems and galaxies. Everything is connected to everything else. We are God, God is us. Our thoughts are Gods thoughts. God is the I that we all are. There is no real good or bad, there is only what we judge to be good and bad. Judging is human behaviour not Gods. But then again it is Gods behaviour because we are God. But I don't think that you will be judged in an after life for what you did in the moments of your life. It is only here that you will be judged. This is it.
I don't even know where I am going with this anymore...I have lost myself in the moment. But thats the point I guess I am trying to make...there is no point. Just thoughts and actions in an absurd existence. This existence is a complex arrangement of nothing to energy to chemicals to atoms and subatomic particles to matter to more complex things to all life as we know it. I hope there is some amazing life after this but from what I percieve there is no evidence that we will live on after this life. There are only ideas that humans have come up with to make death seam a little less of a terrifying thing. I think we all share the same soul. The soul of God. God is the energy that manifests in your brain that creates thoughts then into actions. Without this physical construction we call a human body there would be no thoughts. I think when you die you become what you and all this originally was...nothing. But the halarious and beautiful thing is it's a cycle that never ends. An eternity. From nothing came all of this, all of us, and all the things that could be there that we aren't capable of percieving with our minds and senses. You never know for sure. The only thing that is for sure is the instant or moment that is constantly now, that is the only thing we can know and will ever know. So don't believe in the bullshit that people tell you, don't belive in anything. Believe in your self. The one deep inside that is all existence. The one inside your mind that tells you what to do, The one that is you.
Phiisophical rambles from my soul.
No one's right or wrong. We're all in this together. So try not to judge just accept. If you deny the moment and judge you are denying yourself the truth. That this thing is really fucked up, beautiful and everything else all at the same time.
Peace, love, and understanding.
I don't even know where I am going with this anymore...I have lost myself in the moment. But thats the point I guess I am trying to make...there is no point. Just thoughts and actions in an absurd existence. This existence is a complex arrangement of nothing to energy to chemicals to atoms and subatomic particles to matter to more complex things to all life as we know it. I hope there is some amazing life after this but from what I percieve there is no evidence that we will live on after this life. There are only ideas that humans have come up with to make death seam a little less of a terrifying thing. I think we all share the same soul. The soul of God. God is the energy that manifests in your brain that creates thoughts then into actions. Without this physical construction we call a human body there would be no thoughts. I think when you die you become what you and all this originally was...nothing. But the halarious and beautiful thing is it's a cycle that never ends. An eternity. From nothing came all of this, all of us, and all the things that could be there that we aren't capable of percieving with our minds and senses. You never know for sure. The only thing that is for sure is the instant or moment that is constantly now, that is the only thing we can know and will ever know. So don't believe in the bullshit that people tell you, don't belive in anything. Believe in your self. The one deep inside that is all existence. The one inside your mind that tells you what to do, The one that is you.
Phiisophical rambles from my soul.
No one's right or wrong. We're all in this together. So try not to judge just accept. If you deny the moment and judge you are denying yourself the truth. That this thing is really fucked up, beautiful and everything else all at the same time.
Peace, love, and understanding.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
My mind is a blank
Nothing to say, nothing to do. The story of my life. I find it amazing that all this exists, and I think I always will. I think it is emmensely beautiful and disturbingly ugly also complex and simple all at the same time. When you think about it, it almost seams like this shouldn't exist...I guess that's why everything dies, this perfection is flawed. The instant that is now is forever an eternity but it is constantly changing, reproducing, recreating, reanimating over and over again. This whole existence as we know it runs off the most powerful and common energy that exists...which is nothingness, a paradox it seams. With all the forces that surround us and all the energy that holds us and this world together you come to wonder whether we really make choices, if we even have any free will. You may argue that we do choose for ourselves, but when you made your last "choice" would you have made any other in the exact same situation...I think not, there is only one choice to make and that choice is the only choice you could have made. It's like there is a flow of energy from nothingess to infinity and we are just another part of that flow. Nothing really matters in this absurd existence, it has no point or meaning...it just is. We are and we are not. Our existence is just one of the possibilities of infinity. We exist now which is forever but these bodies and this whole reality is constantly changing. Our bodies may disappear along with this whole planet one day, but I, the I that all of us are, the one true soul, the one life and existence that all this is will exist forever and never exist at all.
The Truth...A Paradox...
Peace, love, and understanding
The Truth...A Paradox...
Peace, love, and understanding
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