So I just had a revelation today. Even though every moment I exist is a revelation, but I will leave that for another day.
Democracy is actually backwards. The whole system is fucking upside down. Think about it. You are not aloud to vote until you're 18, what the fuck is up with that. Not to mention all the other things you aren't aloud to do at a young age. Honestly I think the president of the united states and every democratic leader in every country of the world should actually be a child. Why is it that the most important decisions of mankind are made by people who are closer to death then anyone else...think about it!
Seriously, I know my ideas are extreme because we were born into a system that makes everyone so lazy that they don't want to think about changing things, but I got to say I love change. I know it's going to take a major global revolution, these things happen when you got a bunch of ignorant pricks guiding your future. What am I saying...IT'S HAPPENING RIGHT NOW!
The truth is, there a lot of stupid people out there; some are old, some are middle aged, and some are young. It hurts there feelings when you call them stupid, and it keeps them from learning when you tell them what to do. So you are left with thinking that you don't want to be killed by this person's stupidity, so either I control this dumbass or I have him killed because I am a total pussy. That's the sad kind of mentality this system creates in many intellects minds these days. Not to mention you are left with people like me who are denounced as young adults with "Mental disorders", merely because they are not understood by the general public of sensitive pricks who are to lazy and simple minded to see outside of their small freaking bubble of reality. I am sorry but I get really pissed off when I get thrown into the hospital because I say things that people don't agree with. Also because I am human and I am just like any other wild free minded animal that exists on planet earth...WE DON'T LIKE TO BE LOCKED IN A FUCKING CAGE!!!! The very idea of being trapped, killed, controlled, or sedated drives us out of our minds, and believe me IF I was stupid and didn't understand how well the system works for trapping us wild ones I would beat the crap out of a lot of stupid people. But ya I will get back to my point. I am sorry I just have to vent my rage and isolation somewhere, I am very compassionate and loving and this is how I get my frustrations out and points across.
Think about it. Baby's are born. The parents have their happy little time with their newborn. They are prepared for the world by their own birth parents, i.e. social themselves....respecting others.....and so on. Then they are brought into kindergarden, when enrolled in kindergarten they are given a bank account which grows until the day they are out of highschool. Unless they choose to go to college or university of course, if they choose that well then they get a raise and they are paid for every moment they attend class. So if during the childs school career he/she misses class he/she does not get paid.
Honestly I could go wayyyyyyy to in depth with this idea. I am going to stop now. Maybe if someone would actually pay me for thinking I would continue and make more sense out of it. But what do you know. People don't pay people to think..people pay people to think for them! I am sorry but I don't want to think for you or your massive corporate entity that promotes ritual suicide (joining the army), children having mad sex orgies (The use of birthcontrol pills, condoms, ect), Hypocritical self medication (War on drugs unless they are sold by a corporation or given to you by a doctor)........Can you sing everyone.......WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS.....WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS....WE ARE ALL HYPOCRITS....I DON'T CARE IF I DIDN'T SPELL EVERY WORD RIGHT.
I think the problem with the world today is there is not enough university on basic cable LOL. If there was less homework and more interesting lectures like the ones I find on the internet in highschool or put on the tele screen, I would have wanted to be in university the day I left grade school...seriously!!! I didn't learn anything in high school about the "REAL" world at all until I left highschool and started doing my own research into world history, poetry, philosophy, ancient history, consciousness, spirituality, music, and soooo much more. I feel like my whole school experience from grade school to the end of high school was a simple minded conditioning process, and once I got out into the real world I found out the world was actually a world of scamming the crap out of the general population. The only great memories I got from school was the teachers who actually cared, and all the people I became friends with. I wish I dropped out the second I was put in. Then I would have sold lots of drugs, had a job and would have been rich already. Instead my time was wasted being told complete fables about world history, the human experience and the never ending struggle of humanity.
Television itself would be an amazing educational tool if it were not completely filled with mindless entertainment, commercials, corporate controlled media, commercials, ummm MTV, Muchmusic, Entertainer obsession shows, sexual masterbation, SO MUCH FUCKING FAKE BULLSHIT, and ohh ya did I say ummmm commercials.
Honestly the thing that pisses me off the most is rich people who sit there and make up all the rules. Then they get pissed when there kids get addicted to drugs and blame it on everyone but there own parenting abilities. I am not depressed, I am not bi polar....I am sick of all the fake, sell your self mumbo jumbo that is being fed to the masses. Its disgusting in all ways. We shouldn't have to act every moment of our lives. We shouldn't have to hide anything. But we do.
You know why most people hide what's on their mind. Because they are pussy's. They are insecure. and they care so much about hiding their disgusting impure selves that it makes them sick. People lie because they are unhappy with themselves. People put on their awesome clothes, Flash their money, sport their cars, flash their bling, beat each other up, and make fun of the ones that are closest to them behind their backs because they are to pussy to talk about whats really going on inside there heads.
You know why I don't talk a lot about whats going on in my head, because most of the time I know whats going on inside yours. SO I utter statements that get reactions so I can lauph.
I guess all I am saying is people talk to much shit and not enough truth. And I can't stand it. I love smart ass remarks, but I hate stupid reactions. I hate violence, I hate Crimes against humanity, AND YOU KNOW WHAT I HATE MOST OF ALL. I fucking hate crimes against nature itself.
and I regret to inform you...most of the world population is guilty of it. No one is perfect. I am my ultimate point of all.
The truth
I don't have a point anymore.....again
I think I have completely vented my frustrations with this world.
There's so much more I want to write but I am don't want to die young.
Peace, love, and understanding
A man with a dream.
Stuck in the future.
I am walking with my two children down a street with Marijuana, opium, coca plants growing freely. The world is populated again with plants and trees that grow real vegitation, the air and water is clean ounce again. We are walking towards my beautiful wife who is standing next to Emperine, our "A" sexual alien friend. As I walk a long this road I am telling my children about world war 3, and the collapse of the 3 major empires all around the world. Which was the collapse of all global industrial society. I tell them that many people died but it was because of their own ignorance to the unifying forces of nature and our role in those forces. Also how during world war 2 Emprine's race came down and with many other races of infinity came together to save earth and as many human lives on it as they could. They're pressence couldn't be known at first because it would have resulted in mass suicide and global destruction like the age of the dinosaurs.
I think I am going to make movie's one day. And invent some things. Who knows?
But until I find some people that actually understand what the hell I am talking about...I leave stories unfinished....questions unanswered....waiting for individuals who actually want to discuss what the fuck is actually going on in the universe.
Earth sucks.
I am building my self a time machine so I can can go to the time that I am stuck in.
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