Thursday, January 05, 2006

My mind is a blank

Nothing to say, nothing to do. The story of my life. I find it amazing that all this exists, and I think I always will. I think it is emmensely beautiful and disturbingly ugly also complex and simple all at the same time. When you think about it, it almost seams like this shouldn't exist...I guess that's why everything dies, this perfection is flawed. The instant that is now is forever an eternity but it is constantly changing, reproducing, recreating, reanimating over and over again. This whole existence as we know it runs off the most powerful and common energy that exists...which is nothingness, a paradox it seams. With all the forces that surround us and all the energy that holds us and this world together you come to wonder whether we really make choices, if we even have any free will. You may argue that we do choose for ourselves, but when you made your last "choice" would you have made any other in the exact same situation...I think not, there is only one choice to make and that choice is the only choice you could have made. It's like there is a flow of energy from nothingess to infinity and we are just another part of that flow. Nothing really matters in this absurd existence, it has no point or just is. We are and we are not. Our existence is just one of the possibilities of infinity. We exist now which is forever but these bodies and this whole reality is constantly changing. Our bodies may disappear along with this whole planet one day, but I, the I that all of us are, the one true soul, the one life and existence that all this is will exist forever and never exist at all.

The Truth...A Paradox...


Peace, love, and understanding


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