I worry for us though. I find I worry for us more and more on a regular basis. I worry that our system and way of life has over indulged. That partying and having a good time has become more important then maintaining this miraculous society. That the expansion of intelligence and consciousness has become even less then secondary to our daily lives. We are over satuated in mindless entertainment. We want everything now and are not willing to work or put any effort into achieving these desires. It doesn't matter to anyone if in order to maintain this lavish lifestyle we need more energy then we can harness. More resources then this planet has to offer. At this point it is not even like a little bit either, it's becoming an exponential growth equation.
My greatest concern is that if we continue to ignore these issues. This ship is going to topple over and not only will it do this. But all the people aboard won't even know how to swim. People aren't just going to starve. They are going to rob each other, beat and pillage each other, and ultimately eat each other.
I think that the truth is people with great wealth and power are more terrified then myself and others like myself are of this dilemma. They are constantly trying to manage the future state of this world, and change the system in a way that it protects them in extreme ways from this apocalyptic senario. While the majority of the citizenry party their faces of like there is no tomorrow, oblivious. Thinking this is life, this will always be life, and there are no worries in sight.
Thoughts observed. Answers are obscure.
Much more to say. Not now.
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