Some like myself come to wonder why half the human beings in the world can't get along with each other. How hard is it to not take offense, to not be upset by trivial nonsense. Maybe take a second to think before you throw a punch verbally or even worse with your fist. Stop and think maybe I have misinterpreted this person's attempt to communicate to me what they are thinking. Now that I think about it I should also wonder why some human beings try to instigate others into aggressive behavior. Regardless of those wonders I venture off into another swirl of consciousness and think that well maybe things are changing. Maybe we are evolving now in the conscious realm instead of the physical. Maybe we are becoming more connected and compassionate and all the hate and violence is slowly subsiding into the past while a new realm of human experience enters into our world's possible, isn't it??
My main issue with the world and some of the people on it is that they allow their primal instincts to take over instead of guiding the future with their consciousness. I cannot seriously believe that it is human nature to desire the suffering of others. Although I admit there are many people out there who seam to have a little case of evil tendencies.....just a little. I still think the basic drive for all life exising is to survive and survive further, not to mention nurture and protect it self from destruction and non survival......unless in rare cases there is a state of phycotic suicidal behaviour, which does happen in desperate moments.
The most ironic thing that passes through my mind right now in this moment is that human beings by nature are greedy creatures. This is more obvious then ironic I know. The ironic part though (and I am completely generalizing here, which I admit is in its own right meaningless but nevertheless) is that all of us our trying to benefit our own greedy existences, and most are only taking for themselves and and not caring about how their actions/choices effect the rest of the world. By acting this way the greediness and selfishness in turn actually ends of making our lives worse.
If one takes only for him/herself to better ones own life but does not take into account the effect they are radiating towards their peers, environment and exterior universe they end up hurting and destroying that which they consume. Which is ironic because they are trying to benefit themselves, but in reality destroying themselves.
I guess through all this gibber jabber my main point for the night is by now hopefully obvious and clear.
I am a conscious individual in a universe/reality which is conscious and full of consciousness. I am a mere piece of it and everything I do in turn effects it through its infinite matrix of interconnectivity. So it is completely one hundred million percent irrational and illogical for me or anyone to be violent or destructive towards anything exterior to our physical apparatus we call body. The reason for this of course is because our bodies are not only us. We are an infinite universe of cause and effect, physics, nature, living organisms, animals, planets, and human beings. And it is all one. We are all one.
Lets keep this in mind while we soar into the future.
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