Should I write something cheery?
Something that makes no sense?
Maybe something sad and depressing?
I don't know. My mind is a blank.
In my confusion there are no answers, only ideas that some people believe to be answers. They will never know that they are wrong because their belief is to strong. I will never know that they are right because my confusion is to stuborn. When the sun goes down I know it will come up again becaue that's what it has done my whole life, and apparently it has been doing that long before anyone can remember. How absurdly obvious that is. Everyday I live and every moment I pass into I try to remember that feeling stored deep in my consciousness, the feeling that life is strange. It is strange how fragile it is. It strange how hard it is to put into words what it is about life that is so strange. This strangeness is deep. It is uncertainty. Something that I can hardly grasp. Beyond the simple every day of waking up, living life, having my coffee, going to work, eating my meals, hanging out with friends and family, and so much of that normal basic life stuff the strangeness still lurks beyond and between the cracks or reality.
Reality is strange. Today I use the word stange to communicate something that cannot be truly explained. Tomorrow I may use another word or a whole strand of words. Or maybe what I will do is just stare in amazement off into the nothingness that is every day life, until someone reminds me that I am still here. Wondering, Knowing and unknowing that I will never truly grasp the complete strangeness. Or maybe I always do. But whatever because I gotta go and that's just another moment past in life. And the strangeness that be.
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