Beginning with a question for a title, and forgetting the words I wrote down. I wish I knew exactly what truth lies beyond realities ugly beautiful face. Not only do I wish that but I wish I knew that there even is some sort of great truth...maybe I know it and I'm still trying to find more. What I am getting at right now is that I constantly wonder if I can develope any further. Is it possible for me to break the barrier and go beyond? I don't mean anything like obtaining more physical posession, getting some sort of dream job or something like that. I often wonder if I can devolope further into reality, maybe gain some stronger extra sensory perceptions or something. Should I work on developing my consciousness or that even possible. Do these such things even exist or are they illusions created from human desire to be more, to live and exist beyond it's physical apparatus. Is life really about fvcking, money, being greedy, selfish and posessing the latest "Cool" and/or "Trendy" things. Some people would say yes and some no I guess. Personally I'm mixed in my views of what life is actually about. When it comes down to it I would say that life isn't really about anything, and that is not suppose to be a depressing point of view at all.
When it comes down to it I just can't help but be completely paralysed to how marvelously hidden any real answers are. Everyone just has there own opinion on things and opinions always change. I kind of lost my train of thought now.
Without this body do I remain an individual or do I become a whole. I think in life we experience what its like to be fragmented, broken apart, and individualized. This experience we are all having captivates us and makes us forget over and over again, that we are a whole. When I talk to you I am talking to my self, because you are my self. There is only one self and it is universal, it is free and we all share it. We just forget and lie to our self most of the time.
Probably just to make things interesting. Maybe....maybe not
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