Hello my name is Samson, I spend my time walking in circles with my head cut off trying to bite my own tail, what do you do. Business is always a fun endevour, I sell milk and other perishable goods to my friends for a reasonable cost, just trying to make things easy for everyone you know. Last night was a ride, I jumped in an intergalactic space ship and chilled on the planet zegulabadadooa with my good friend Zortemio. All the creatures there were having a blast, some got scared when I gave them my special brownie treat. In the end the night was a blast, well it was night here but where I was it is always day time, whatever that is. On the way back from zegulabadadooa we picked up this hitchhiker, I don't know the species or gender of this hitchiker, whatever it was got annoying and we ditched it on the moon as we were passing by. All in all my last moments were good, now that I think about it all moments are good, but then again all moments are also bad to if you want to look at it that way, its all a choice manifested by the observer if you ask me. Some have more freedom and choice then others. Well yeah I gots to carry on with my journeys through this existence, so maybe I will fill you in a little more later.
Cheers, peace, and happy flying young ones.
Later yall, its been fun rearranging your perspective.
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