The question is not who's religion is right or wrong. The question is not which political party should be in power. The question is not what do I want materially in this world. The question is not about trivial matters such as the lives of celebrities, and what clothes do I look good in. What Sammy thinks of me. How do I become more accepted in my every day social circles. And so on and so on... The most profound of all questions is the question of the question.
The mere fact that we as individuals and a collective of individuals have the ability to question our lives as realities from the most on the surface "trivial" day to day things, to the seemingly more in depth matters. It doesn't matter if there is a heaven and hell with a vengeful almighty leader of existence, who decides our eternal fate. It doesn't matter if we came from a Big Bang and our existence are just as meaningless in the infinite grand scheme of things as the sand between your toes. It doesn't matter if this is a holographic universe or we are living inside a computer system controlled by machines.
What matters is that we are conscious aware beings who exist. This is something we can be sure of. Even though our existence is observably temporary. By this awareness. By everything that we are. By all the wonderful and even horrible things that we live and experience. It is all proof that we exist. Our existence and the existence of some sort of world beyond our individuality exists... This is true.
Through this existence comes many subjective experiences that are very hard to completely communicate to others. Though our perceptions and beliefs of what this existence actually is are different and arguable, they are not worth destroying each other and the environment over.
Realize this amazing phenomenon and its fragility for the temporary miracle that it is. The amazing reality of our existence. That we not only exist rather then not exist at all. But we are aware of it. We can question, explore and create. We simply are. Don't forget it, and how words can't even begin to touch the miraculousness of it.