Saturday, December 19, 2009

Of the infinite voices inside my head, there are predominantly two.

The voice of reason, love, and truth is the voice of god. The individual, the ego, the deceiver is the voice of satan. This has nothing to do with religion, other then the symbolic representations that come from it. It's the never ending duality that has been who man is since the beginning of our existence. The positive versus the negative, or the yin yang. The swirling mess of thought inside our head can be observed, broken down, and divided into these two spectrums of consciousness. We are the whole, or the median of these two forces of nature. Every moment we make constant choices, choices that will define our path. Some zig zag from the negative to the positive, some elevate into the positive entirely, and some sadly fall and become consumed in the negative. In the end it's all one thing... A forever changing, never ending life, reality... existence.
In this infinite reality there must be other creatures with an awareness and consciousness like our own. Somewhere some time, very close or very far away there must be others out there.
Embrace the infinite and sit down and communicate with god. Say goodbye to the nothingness but beware that satan is always there lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to take over. Know that without the two halves, there is no whole. Trying to show you the entirety of this picture is impossible with mere words. Another way to look at it is in sound frequency. Each note has an infinite number of octaves or frequencies, the human ear is only capable of hearing so many each way. The frequencies stretch two ways. One being high, one being low. The high and low stretch equally forever. The note is the whole of the sound. We are the note. We are the sound. We are the result. We may not be forever. The note will change.

But thats okay to.

Peace, love, and light.


Saturday, October 31, 2009

Who knows

Enlightenment is knowing not knowing
Complete fullness and complete emptiness
Taking awareness and thought and evaporating into the infinite
Which brings nothingness
We are a matrix of a matrix
Our consciousness is the result
along with our bodies and this world
The world will change when the rest of the world
sees through the illusion of individuality
and realize that "I" is universal to all
In the way of oneness
There truly is nothing that separates us
I am self
And so are you
we act and react
Shift, morph and change
I am "human" now
In a million years I may not be
But always will
Because this is infinity
I live forever
And never existed at all
Life is death is life
continuous wave
Pure energy
Rise above hate
and pain
medicate your self until your numb
there's nothing to be scared of
We are one.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

I bear no true truth. only pointless observations, just like every other

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

weeeeeeeeee rrrrrrrrreeeeeee herrreeeeeeee

soo me. I feel foolish but its true.

we' re everywhere, and becoming adults. some are now.

give us a chance or we'll just burn it to the ground.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello again

this is nothing but verbal masturbation
worked never finished
Time never wasted

I am one with it alive or dead
I am never completely aware of it
But I try
It is existence
Consciously unconscious

Quantum fluctuations
At a quantum level they say that things appear randomly in and out of existence.
I personally would say that they consciously do.

Forever and always

Infinity is what I try to grasp but know that the human mind is incapable of actually grasping its entirety.


Samus son

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Logical brain wave projections

Viva la Revolution, they are not human
NON VIOLENCE is what I preach
we can exist in a world of Peace
so shut the fuck up dick. I know what you think
Thoughts are not words, so still shut that mouth
It isn't human nature to destroy ourselves.
Sorry if the established education system planted that in your brain.
Sorry if you are to scared love all things that exist.
Its easy to be lazy
Its easy to not care
Its easy to hate that which you don't understand
We all get pissed
We all get irritated
Now go home and cry about it
I will smile and lauph out loud
Take it as an act of disrespect
I still stand proud
You live in misery
I rise beyond my manic depression
And continue to remain consciously in heaven
Where all things are possible
Where all is one
Where the devil dances with god
only for the purpose of creation

In the end, this is another failed attempt
To solve all the worlds problems
with new age mysticism

Nature is what destroys the humans
Not humans who destroy the nature
Nature controls us
Nature is divine
Nature does not know time

The goddess is taking over
Give her the gun
And don't ever objectify women
They are not here for your pleasure
They are here with us
Nothing more special to a man then
a women's touch

yesterday I was reminded of a term I almost forgot


Long live the rave lol

Peace, Love, unity, and respect.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Infesting spirituality

As I sit here and dream
I remember who I am
Where I am, and what I will become
Never retiring
Never giving in
There is no halo
There is no time
Only the temporary illusion
that we never leave behind
Come hide with me
In the moment
Emminate our energy

Live for freedom
And live for peace

If marijuanna ever became legal

I think it should be 18+
Who am I to say anything though.
Same with GTA lol

An attempt at world peace

Don't shoot people
Don't rape people
Don't try to manipulate or control people.
Know that the self is more then your individual body.
Anything is possible if you believe strongly in it.
To believe is to lie
To lie is to believe
The parodox will continue without you
So live for peace
Not war
Unless you want to protect your self from aliens lol

Random blurbs

Stop being so scared my family and friends

You take things way to seriously.

Friday, March 13, 2009



Be careful who you listen to.

The devil will distract you from the truth. The negative consciousness that is commonly known as Satan (in this world) hides within our own minds. Take in the positive and expel the negative.

This isn't a joke anymore

The world is becoming a place where seriousness is beyond serious
I can't believe how much ignorance I have to push through
I do my best to love, I do my best to defeat the lies
We the aware open our minds only to find ourselves being manipulated
The military industrial complex wants to shoot independence down from space
Control your mind with satellites and laser beams
Put micro chips in your brain so they can harmonize the globe for selfish purposes
Call me crazy
Call me scizo
Call me bipolar
I will take my meds so I sleep and don't become psychotic
But this world is fucked up worse then your narrow mind can perceive
Don't be a sheep
Expand your consciousness to the sky
Don't give in........fight!!!
Not with weapons
Not with fists
With intelligence
Develop your mind
The C.i.a. goes out of their way to endorse,
and propagate wars around the world
Manipulating and destroying the planet
Seek the free genuine information
Learning should be free
Not brainwashing propaganda
Playing on your psyche

You are the sum of your own desire
Be a rock
Or be a god
or be nothing at all
The choice is continuous and existential
The fittest of survival

It takes more then just me to want it
For it to become reality.

Peace, love, unity


enraged not crazy

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Aliens are peaceful sentient beings maybe?
Kill that shape shifting lizard.
Or put him in a cage and hang him in a zoo.
Seek buddah, seek truth

Until then normal life carries on.

I know who I am.
Who are you?
Concepts and words misconstrued

Peace, love, respect, and unity

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Time is a persistent illusion
We already made peace with machines
Spread the confusion
Learn, create, and live free

Be careful what you wish for
Cuz all your dreams could
come true

Foolish complexities
People watching my back
Because they love me

But remember kids
Violence only creates more violence
Live for your dreams
and expand your minds

Consciousness and awareness


Peace, love, respect, unity, oneness

For the good the greater good

Monday, February 16, 2009

I love you

I love you mexico
I love you my friends
Don't ever forget that.

I love life.
I love adventure.
I love parties.
I love women!!
I love nature!

My heart is for the entire globe and universe
For all the people/life living on it, and within it.

I want to travel the world.

Who's with me????????


But for now I am gonna go to bed and pass the fuck out.

I got's to go to work! blah


Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

One major reason I am waiting for that special someone!

Don't want any accidental population growth! Seriously.
Personal responsibility.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Pissing off the entire world in one poem.

Keep on trucking slave
Is the world still getting better
Is your master throwing you a bone

Keep on profiting warlord
Don't worry about the children
Making money is all that matters

Go to hell ignorant asshole
Pretending you get it
Never knowing that you don't

Continue on the violence aggressor
People like to be hurt
It just feels so damb good

Pop some more of those junkie
Life is worth nothing
So waste it on your addictions

Don't stop lying and stealing politician
You're doing such a good job
No one's going to stop you anyways

Keep screwing all the bitches player
There's no such thing as personal responsibility
STD's and illegitimate babies are always fun

Never stop believing follower
who cares if the prophet is false
And the preacher does not practice

Keep on spending consumer whore
Another holiday is around the corner
Fill the void with possession

Continue on with the plan Tyrant
Every one is to scared to stop you
Absolute power is sweet with no real friends

I think I am done here.

Peace, love, unity, truth

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Infinite possibilities
The power to choose that which I desire
Bewildering amount of power
Profound awareness of responsibility
And the rest of you don't give a shit.
How could anyone measure their sanity and happiness without having someone like me to compare themselves to? The outsider to regular thought process. The odd man out. The mentally defunct. A pretty face but a tortured mind. Meaningless. Purposeless. No wants. No desire.

A liar.

Friday, January 16, 2009

is it just me,

or does one being with three heads make my mind feel like imploding in on itself?

click here.

Monday, January 12, 2009

deep thought?

What does a truly compassionate person do with a sociopath who wants to die? Hand them a gun or lie to them and pretend that everything is going to be OK?

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Thursday, January 01, 2009