What exactly is the plot and does it have a sequel. All the people collectively percieve the instant they exist with no proof of the begginning or the end. The question rots in eternity with the rest of its inhabitants, while the will to survive varies from being to being. Words can't really bring forth any closure to the intricity of the pattern's flaws, but still we all try to make emmense. It is beautiful although the beauty can be hard to observe in the midst of all discomfort and suffering that goes on. When we became aware of the fact that physical bodies become useless after a while we began to dream up interesting solutions to the comprehension of end of comprehension. Is it really the end when we die, sometimes that thought sounds comforting. Not being able to percieve and feel the suffering that comes along with individual physical existence must be heaven. When mania sets in and all worries leave to be replaced by an ecstatic world view, heaven seams just as real. Life might just be a placebo if that makes any sense at all. When it comes down to it nothing can really make any sense at all. If everything made absolute sense there would be no unpredicatable results, and questions would not exist. Maybe ignoring the depth of this reality would result in less confusion and insanity would not be there.
With every tear I shead and every emotion I hide I remain beathless and strugling to find a solution.
Bye Bye......
For now
P.S. I wish I could spell better